Thursday, October 31, 2019

The American Cancer Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The American Cancer Society - Essay Example According to the ACS (2015), nearly 1.5 million new incidences of cancer occur in the United States yearly. This rise in cancer cases has been attributed to various causes. ACS states that cancer is caused by exposure to specific chemicals such as lead and asbestos. Exposure to radiation also causes or increases the probability of developing cancer. In addition, genetics plays a vital role in causing cancer. Some cancer types are caused by genetics which are transferred from generation to generation. Poor lifestyle factors can also lead to cancer, for example, poor diet and the adoption of a sedentary lifestyle (Kitahara et al., 2012). Smoking tobacco has also been linked to lung cancer. Cancer policies should focus more on prevention measures. Further, the public should be educated about the significance of regular screening practices. Regular screening practices will help health care professionals to detect the ailment early before it progresses. These practices will minimize the incidence of cancer in the United States. The ACS (2015) funds the palliative care research program to a tune of 26 million dollars. Through this program, ACS will improve the quality of life for patients. Subsequently, the negative side effects from cancer will be minimized. Thus, the program will aid in improving the lives of cancer patients and their families. More than 60% of cancer patients undergo painful treatment procedures leading to a reduction in quality of life.

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