Monday, August 24, 2020
Hand Made Music Boxes Essay
In a market where monopolistic rivalry exists, organizations work in a way wherein makers sell separated items from each other, yet comparable. This implies the item isn't homogenous. Firms can at present market their items by the featuring the slight contrasts in their yield. The different makers in this sort of market are selling their items, for this situation high quality music boxes, which fill in. Firms can control the costs in some degree inside a restricted scope of costs. They enter the market if the benefits are alluring wherein they can amplify their benefit and are left with abundance creation limit. In a market where there is monopolistic rivalry, there are numerous organizations, which each firm has a little piece of the overall industry and works freely from one another. (Salvatore, 2007) Enterprise, regular, work and capital are considered as the variables of creation in the economy. Given a firm that works a business close by made music boxes, these variables of creation are significant as to pick up benefit and have the option to be serious in the market. In a monopolistic serious market, it is expected that every one of these elements of creation are portable, wherein if these are not being utilized proficiently, they will move quickly to where they can be expanded. (Harvey and Jowsey, 2007) In an undertaking, pioneering abilities are expected to oversee and coordinate the other three components of creation to empower a creation of merchandise or administrations in the market. Working a hand made music box needs aptitudes from individuals that have administrative encounters that can lead the firm into an upper hand through powerful arranging and execution in creating the products required in the market. This will help in giving the business an upper hand wherein the attributes of the hand made music box of a specific firm is made with quality than that of different firms in the market. (Case and Fair, 2007) No business can work without normal or land as a feature of its elements of creation. Land is the place the business is being finished. It tends to be a processing plant, building, rural land or office, yet this ought to have an area for it to be built up. An entrance to land is required in setting up firms. (Case and Fair, 2007) Hand made music box business needs a production line for the get together of parts and for putting away. Also, this business needs a shop for the merchandise to be shown with the goal that the merchandise can be seen by the purchasers that will purchase the item. Access to land and property can increase the expectation of creation just as be increasingly skillful in the market. (American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 2002) Businesses figure out how to exist in view of its work power. Firms do require individuals who can accomplish long stretches of work for them. In making hand made music boxes, there can be a sythesis of different mechanical production systems. These sequential construction systems are comprised of individuals that will do explicit parts in making the hand made music boxes of the firm. Gifted laborers help the firm in having upper hand in the market. In a serious market, aptitudes of laborers are critical to create top notch products that can be offered to buyers. This will bring about a high bit of leeway of a specific firm that utilizes profoundly gifted specialists over those organizations that utilize lesser talented individuals. (Harvey and Jowsey, 2007) In each business setting, capital ought to be available. Capital alludes to supplies utilized by firms to deliver merchandise. The laborers of a hand made music box business need types of gear for the creation of the products. These types of gear will enable the creation to be progressively powerful and proficient. In a serious market where various firms go after items being offered to buyers, a firm needs capital that will expand the nature of the item. This will make the firm progressively invaluable as far as yield and quality in the market. (Harvey and Jowsey, 2007) Given that the arranged market is in a monopolistic rivalry situation, a firm’s request bend will converge the industry’s request bend at the firm’s balance level of yield and cost. (Weins, 1999) This clarifies why the interest bend is generally flexible and descending slanting, which can be related to a level, however not flat interest bend. Firms in this sort of market will have less power over cost to charge their yield. A firm that makes benefit in the short-run will equal the initial investment in the long run on account of an abatement sought after over the long haul, which for this situation will bring about a zero financial benefit. (Duffy, 1993) Considering the law of flexibly, monopolistic serious markets probably won't produce huge amounts as a reaction to more significant expenses. The obstruction to the positive-amount gracefully connection is the market control and descending slanting interest bend among monopolistic serious markets. Monopolistic serious firms are viewed as value searchers as opposed to value takers since â€Å"prices will change by the examination of minor income with negligible expense in each conceivable cost alongside the market request bend. †Prices are not put equivalent to peripheral income; moreover, it isn't equivalent to minimal expense and cost. In this way, subsequently, firms don't basically flexibly more amounts of products at lower costs. (Harvey and Jowsey, 2007) In the short-run, singular firms carry on like a restraining infrastructure therefore they can raise their costs leaving the customers alternatives to purchase comparative merchandise from different firms. With respect to the since a long time ago run, there is a free passage condition where firms keep on happening in the market leaving the interest bend to persistently move leftward until when every one of the firm gains a zero monetary benefit. Firms win financial benefit or misfortune in the short run, yet in the end, new participants will be pulled in to benefits in this manner would result to misfortunes until these organizations gain zero monetary benefit. The hand made music confine firms will contend the market for the accessible shoppers that will buy the merchandise.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Role of the Brand in Developing Customer Loyalty
Job of the Brand in Developing Customer Loyalty Presentation 1.1 Nature of Assignment  · My undertaking is about â€Å"The Role of Brand in the Development of Customer Loyalty†.  · Its the piece of MBA and it is the necessity of my organization, â€Å"THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES†, for the finishing of our degree.  · The motivation behind venture is to decide the job of brand in the improvement of client faithfulness. After finishing of this undertaking I can undoubtedly comprehend that how brand helps in the improvement of client unwaveringness.  · I am accomplishing deal with this venture to gather information and other pertinent data to fabricate a connection between job of brand and client faithfulness and to demonstrate that brand assumes a significant job in the advancement of client unwaveringness.  · It is my venture which is being directed by a senior individual apportioned by my organization.  · In request to make my undertaking increasingly dependable field information will likewise be gathered and examined.  · Data from the pre-examine on this point will likewise be concentrated to make my task all around structured and effectively justifiable.  · From the organization perspective my exploration work will be useful to comprehend the connection among brand and client dedication. 1.2 The Rationale for this Study * Literature audit has demonstrated that client steadfastness influences by brand. * Different work on this theme has been done which is in chapter# 2. * It is a lecture understanding that brand influences client faithfulness. * I will attempt to test this case the job of brand in the improvement of client faithfulness with the assistance of this task utilizing essential and optional research. * In UK setting it would be helpful commitment towards this field. * This exploration will be useful in understanding the job of brand in the improvement of client dependability. * In nearby condition discoveries from this venture will be utilized in number of gatherings including organizations, researchers and furthermore analysts. 1.3 Brand In showcasing, a brand is an assortment of sentiments toward a financial maker. Emotions are made by the collection of encounters with the brand, both straightforwardly identifying with its utilization, and through the impact of promoting, structure, and media critique. A brand is an emblematic exemplification of all the data associated with an organization, item or administration. A brand serves to make affiliations and desires among items made by a maker. A brand regularly incorporates an unequivocal logo, textual styles, shading plans, images, which are created to speak to verifiable qualities, thoughts, and even character. Ideas A few advertisers recognize the mental part of a brand from the experiential angle. The experiential viewpoint comprises of the whole of all purposes of contact with the brand and is known as the brand understanding. The mental perspective, now and then alluded to as the brand picture, is a representative develop made inside the psyches of individuals and comprises of all the data and desires related with an item or administration. The most delightful way to deal with brand building thinks about the theoretical structure of brands, organizations and individuals. 1.4 Brand Loyalty Brand unwaveringness is a definitive objective an organization sets for a marked item. Brand dedication is a buyers inclination to purchase a specific brand in an item classification. It happens in light of the fact that purchasers see that the brand offers the correct item highlights, pictures, or level of value at the correct cost. This observation turns into the establishment for another purchasing propensity. Fundamentally, buyers at first will make a preliminary acquisition of the brand and, after fulfillment, will in general structure propensities and keep buying a similar brand in light of the fact that the item is protected and natural. Brand supporters have the accompanying mentality: * â€Å"I am focused on this brand.†* â€Å"I will follow through on a greater expense for this brand over other brands.†* â€Å"I will prescribe this brand to others.†Significance of Brand Loyalty There are three fundamental reasons why brand unwaveringness is significant: Higher Sales Volume The normal United States Company loses half of its clients like clockwork, likening to a 13% yearly loss of clients. This measurement outlines the difficulties organizations face when attempting to develop in serious situations. Accomplishing even 1% yearly development requires expanding deals to clients, both existing and new, by 14%. Lessening client misfortune can drastically improve business development and brand faithfulness, which prompts reliable and significantly more noteworthy deals since a similar brand is bought more than once. Premium Pricing Ability Studies show that as brand unwaveringness builds, customers are less touchy to value changes. For the most part, they are eager to pay more for their favored image since they see some novel incentive in the brand that different options don't give. Moreover, brand followers purchase less every now and again on pennies off arrangements these advancements just sponsor arranged buys. Hold Rather than Seek Brand followers are eager to scan for their preferred image and are less delicate to serious advancements. The outcome is lower costs for promoting, advertising and appropriation. In particular, it costs four to six fold the amount of to draw in another client as it does to hold an old one. 1.5 Customer Loyalty At the point when a shopper finds that a specific brand is conveying the best items and administrations for him and that brands tackles his issues with their items, he starts to distinguish that brand with a specific quality and builds up a faithfulness for it. Truth be told, in the event that you have a client who is focused on your image, odds are that he will pick your item or administration over the others that are accessible in the market. Client unwaveringness assumes a significant job in making your business fruitful. In the event that you are equipped for holding as much as 5% of your old client base, at that point your business can grow up to 75%. Another extraordinary thing about your old clients who depend on you is that they will tell their companions, family and colleagues about your items and administrations. As such, your business will get the most ideal sort of promoting. Likewise, a client who doesn't care for your items may do some negative advertising for you, so you should be on your toes and guarantee that every one of your clients are happy with you. This will assist you with changing over your forthcoming clients to your customers. 1.6 The Role of Brand in the Development of Customer Loyalty So as to keep your old client base alive and faithful towards your image. You have to have something novel about your image. In the event that you can have an exceptional element that your clients love, at that point chances are that your clients will adhere to your organization and even enlighten others concerning it. The key is to build up this USP or Unique Selling Point so as to lure the clients and keep them faithful. On the off chance that your client knows about your USP and advantages from it, you will get a brand dependability that will be sufficient to keeps your business blasting. Client steadfastness is more than straightforward repurchasing, in any case. Clients may repurchase a brand due to situational limitations, an absence of feasible other options, or out of comfort. Such devotion is alluded to as fake reliability. Genuine brand faithfulness exists when clients have a high relative disposition toward the brand which is then shown through repurchase conduct. This sort of dedication can be an extraordinary advantage for the firm. Clients are eager to follow through on greater expenses, they may cost less to serve, and can carry new clients to the firm. 2. Writing REVIEW To decide the job of brand in the improvement of client dedication a few articles have been contemplated. In the wake of considering these articles we came to realize that how much research has been finished by various people on this subject. Past research putts light on various types of variables identified with advancement of client steadfastness that how client dedication can be estimated and how appropriately or adequately brand can be overseen and actualized. What's more, what models can be utilized to make a specific brand progressively effective. Past research likewise clarifies that what components are liable for the decrease of a brand. So we came to think about devotion that a clients dedication can be dictated by contemplating that how dully client make buying of results of a specific brand when some others choices are accessible to clients. A few examinations have been led around there following are the rundown of some key articles and a short portrayal will be given after. 2.1 Summaries of Articles first article is about Brand Loyalty which is being concentrated by Nancy Giddens, Agricultural Extension Value Added Marketing Specialist. Brand Loyalty has been announced by some to be a definitive objective of advertising. In advertising, brand steadfastness comprises of a shoppers responsibility to repurchase the brand and can be exhibited by continued purchasing of an item or administration or other positive practices, for example, informal support. Genuine brand steadfastness suggests that the customer is willing, in any event every so often, to set aside their own wants in light of a legitimate concern for the brand. Brand reliability is more than basic repurchasing, be that as it may. Clients may repurchase a brand due to situational limitations, an absence of reasonable other options, or out of accommodation. Such devotion is alluded to as misleading dedication. Genuine brand faithfulness exists when clients have a high relative demeanor toward the brand which is then displayed through repurchase conduct. This kind of dependability can be an extraordinary advantage for the firm: clients are happy to follow throu gh on greater expenses, they may cost less to serve, and can carry new clients to the firm. For instance, if Joe has brand reliability to Company A he will buy Company As items regardless of whether Company Bs are less expensive and additionally of a higher caliber. This article is about decrease of brands by James Surowiecki. The fact of the matter is weve consistently overestimated the intensity of marking while at the same time disparaging customers capacity to perceive quality. At the point when b
Monday, July 20, 2020
Evolution of Computers
Evolution of Computers Evolution of Computers Home›Technology Posts›Evolution of Computers Technology PostsIntroductionA computer is described as an electronic device that specializes in the execution of commands and instructions so as to process information. It generally consists of two major parts-hardware and software. A computer processes input segments of information using the input accessories like the keyboard, cameras, mouse and other devices that can be attached. This device displays output by the help of output devices such as a color monitor or a printer. Generally, the size of a given computer varies considerably from very big to very small. The speed and accuracy of computers also vary. In today’s world, computers have become indispensable. Many people all over the world use computers to validate most of their daily activities. Every generation of computer is basically characterized by a heavy technological advancement that fundamentally changed the manner in which computers run and operate, resulting in increasingly more powerful, cheaper, smaller, reliable and efficient devices (Gary ,Shelly, Thomas,Cushman,Glenda,Gunter,Randolphand Gunter, 2001).This paper seeks to lay crucial emphasis on the evolution of computers right from the time they were first discovered to the present day technological advancements. Still on the same, it will deliberate on the impacts of the usage of computers in different sectors of the world’s economy. The paper will forward instances of the areas and ways in which computer usage is abundant. The history of computer evolution is usually referred to with constant reference to the various generations of computing devices that were involved. Each stage of computer generation was characterized with an important development (technological) that greatly changed the modes in which computer operations are handled. This resulted to increasing the probability at which these technical devices are available to the individuals in the wor ld. These particular developments have played a major role in making the computers cheaper for affordability, smaller for portability and convenience, more powerful for better results and reliable for durability reasons.Computerized devices have been around longer than many individuals might imagine. The term computer has rapidly changed meaning over years. However, the electronic computer which is thought of in modern times, evolved throughout the 20th century. Its popularity of being a household item intensified in the 1980s after the arrival of operating systems by major software companies including Microsoft and Apple that mixed text and graphics. This was to replace the text-only systems that existed since the 1970s. By the 1990s, electronic computers incorporated enhanced multimedia and communication applications and developed into an indispensable aspect of life of so many people. Early Computing was an aspect that was narrow and the usage was considerably low as computers we re at their initial stages of development. The original description of the term computer was an individual who made calculations. This description dates back to the 1600s and travels midway through the major development in the 20th century, when the word computer began to describe a machine. A computer is on the same basic aspect as the abacus, which also dates back many centuries ago.Technology made a major leap with cards that were punched, being introduced by Joseph-Marie in the year 1801. It is interesting that such an early use of the computer system involved music. In 1835 Charles Babbage incorporated a steam engine with punched cards to invent what was termed as an analytical engine. Mechanical Information Processing was a concept that was later combined with the existing system to further develop the computer system. In the late 1880s the IBM Company developed out of the discovery of the tabulator which was crafted by Herman Hollerith. This was the very first use of punched cards that represented data rather than the use of punched cards that automated a mechanical function similar to that of a player piano. Through the 1950s the information processing world utilized a combination of punched cards on the key punch and tabulator machines. The first forms of mathematical calculators were discovered in the 1930s. Throughout the World War II era, analog computer machines began to be replaced by the digital ideology of ones and zeroes. Made by Remington Rand in 1951, the first computerized device made for the public was UNIVAC. Later in the following year IBM introduced its official mainframe computer (Rugman, 2005).The initial computer evolution stages were known as first generation computer technologies (1940-1956) also known as vacuum tubes. For circuitry, the early forms of computers used vacuum tubes and for memory they used magnetic drums. They were often enormous and huge taking up entire room spaces. They were relatively expensive to operate and mai ntain because of using a great percentage of electricity. During operation they also generated a lot of heat and this was often an attributed cause of malfunctions. To perform operations this stage computers relied heavily on machine language which was the lowest level programming language that computers would understand (Rojas Hashagen 2005). This led to them having the ability to solve only one problem at a given time. Input was purely on the grounds of paper tape and punched cards while output was displayed on printouts.The ENIAC and UNIVAC computers are the best examples of first-generation computers. Second Generation computing devices (1956-1963) made use of transistors. Transistors then replaced vacuum tubes and introduced the second generation of computing devices. The transistor was superior as compared to the vacuum tube, allowing computing devices to become cheaper, smaller and faster. They were therefore more efficient than their predecessors.Although the transist or also generated a considerable amount of heat that could have otherwise subjected the computer to mechanical risk, it was a great improvement over vacuum tube usage. Second-generation computers also relied on printouts for output and punched cards for input. Second-generation computers evolved from cryptic binary machine language to an assembly, or symbolic language, that allowed programmers to identify illustrations in words. High-level programming languages also developed at this stage, such as ancient versions of FORTRAN and COBOL. They were the first form of computers to store their instructions in their own memories, which shifted to a magnetic core from magnetic drum technology.Third Generation computers (1964-1971), utilized integrated circuits to enhance their performance. The discovery of the integrated circuit became the hallmark of the third generation stage of computer evolution. Transistors were placed and miniaturized on silicon chips, known as semiconductors which r apidly increased the efficiency and speed of computers. Instead of punched printouts and cards, developers interacted with third generation technology through monitors and keyboards and interfaced with operating systems, which allowed the computer to run several different applications all at one time on a central program that closely monitored by the memory. For the first time computers became accessible to a greater audience because they were relatively smaller in size and cheaper than previous generations. The fourth Generation (1971-Present) broadly made use of microprocessors.The microprocessor brought by the fourth generation computers, thousands of integrated and linked circuits built onto a one silicon chip. What filled an entire room in the first generation could now ably fit in the palm of a hand. This meant that smaller space would be occupied by these new devices. As these computers (smaller in size) became more powerful and efficient, they later on had the ability to for m networks, in which could be linked together. This led to the development of the worldwide Internet in the long run. Fourth generation computers also propelled the development of handheld devices, the mouse and GUIs. The fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) has invested more on artificial intelligence. Fifth generation computers were developed on artificial intelligence and are still under development, even though there are some programs, such as electronic voice recognition that are currently being used presently. The use of superconductors and parallel processing is facilitating the making of artificial intelligence into a reality. Nanotechnology, molecular and quantum computation will drastically change the phase of computers in future. The objective of the fifth-generation computing devices is to develop computerized devices that are compatible to natural signals and have the potential of self-organization.(Godse and Godse, 2004).Computers have been applied in many differe nt sectors to facilitate the efficiency of information processes. For a long time now, scientists and developers have forwarded theories and ideologies that have been adopted to develop many differentiated tasks that can be performed by the computers. Since time in memorial, devices have been created to facilitate communication. In the second generation of computers, there was the need to diversify and attach extra features to the computer to enable it do more tasks. One of the tasks was to facilitate the transfer of information. Communication is by far the most basic requirement for human survival. Human beings need to communicate to develop and ease their life styles. Computers have in the long run been used to aid in communication in various ways and forms in the society today. Through the sending of e-mails from one computer to the other, both the recipient and the sender are able to exchange information (Shelly, Cushman, Gunter Gunter, 2003). The exchange may be beneficial to different descriptions of persons in the community in different ways.In the education sector, students and scholars are enabled to acquire information in a more efficient and quicker manner. Through the access of internet, people from all over the world are able to access information on the developments in the education sector freely. Students can also apply for admission to schools that have a reputation of worldwide quality standards. Computers have been used to communicate messages throughout the world. Computers have been used to write and transmit newsletters and memos within and also without a given organization. There are other several uses applications of computers which are dependent on the sector they are to be employed. Computers can be used in word processing and related tasks (Hasselbring Glaser, 2001). A word processing program automatically corrects grammar and spelling mistakes and errors. If what is contained in a document is repetitive, there is no need to typ e it each time. The user can use some features in the computer known as ‘copy and paste’ features. The documents can be printed out into several copies. It makes it easier to read and analyze a word-processed document as compared to a handwritten one. The user can add images and templates to the document depending on the complexity and skill of the user.The internet creates a common ground of reference and computer networking all over the world. The internet is a network of so many computers in the world. One is in a position to browse through more information and studies than what is available in a physical library. This is because computers are able to store huge amounts of processed information. The user can also have very convenient and fast access to up to date information (Hwang 1999). Through E-Mail services, communication with a person sitting hundreds of miles away in minutes is made possible. There is chat software that enables users to chat with each other on real-tim e basis. Other developments in the computer world such as video conferencing tools are increasingly becoming available to the common man. Audio composition or digital video are technological advancements in the field of computers that have diversified the use of computers. Video or audio editing and composition have become much easier by the use of computers. In the modern world, it no longer costs hundreds of dollars of technical equipment to make a film or compose music. Graphics engineers use computers to create full-length or short films and also to create models that are of three-dimensions. Anybody who owns a computer is in a capacity of entering the field of production especially through media. Special effects in action movies and science fiction are developed using computers.Mathematical calculations can now be done through computers. Thanks to calculators (computers solely created for calculations); both arithmetic and mathematical computing has been eased. They exhibit cal culation speeds of up to a million calculations per second. As a result, we can perform some of the biggest mathematical calculations through their help. Throughout the evolution of computers, mathematical functions have been systematically integrated into computers enabling them to perform some of the most tedious mathematical functions. Computers have also developed popular demand in usage in the business world. Currently, supermarkets and shops are using software, which facilitates the calculation of the bills. This application aids in stock accountability and the determination of stock re-order levels. Similarly, taxes can be paid and calculated online. Due to the development of complex accounting computer programs, various forms of accounting are done through computers.Entrepreneurs can also predict the future trends of business and trade cycles through the use of artificial intelligence software. In larger organizations, integrated stock keeping software is used to ensure comp etitiveness in the stock markets. This way, the user (business people) can trade online. In the manufacturing sector, there are comprehensively automated factories that are set to run on software. Defense and security arms of the government have been greatly improved by the incorporation of computers into their systems. Computer evolution has resulted to software embedded solutions in almost all forms of weapons. In such cases, software is used for targeting in ballistic bombs missiles and controlling the flight. Software has been modified and used in the control of access to atomic bombs. These developments have facilitated the war against terrorism and the sub sequential control of ammunition and harmful weaponry.Security is a basic requirement for human life sustenance and is listed in the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. In hospitals, the health personnel are ably connected to ensure that they are in the front line in acquisition of new knowledge on the developments and modificati ons to their current practices. Computers have also been used to update worksheets in various institutions. Through the automated element of the computers, they are able to continuously keep records and data at speed with the current times. Also through the access of internet these computers are by far the most accurate devices in keeping the data as per requirement. This has a number of advantages to the organization including the obvious ones of accuracy and high speed task handling. Computers also cut on costs such as those to be spent on updating data (Alt 2000).By use of computers, we can store and transfer data more safely and easily. The transfer is faster and more convenient in terms of developing channels of interaction through the internet. For instance since the fourth generation of computers, there has been a number social websites that people have used to meet individuals from all over the world and who are subscribed to them. It is without doubt that the internet has made the world a global village. The connection of a computer to the internet is by far the most considerate investment the user can make. People from all walks of life meet to share though online forums and workshops. The participators get to know what initiatives other countries and nations are putting in place to develop.In bigger organizations computers have been used to facilitate data presentation either on the company’s progress or otherwise (Freed Ishida 2000). For example during corporate meetings, the top management puts thorough emphasis on the need to be clear and comprehensive in the presentation of research results. Computers have evolved to being in handy in developing the skills of the employees in data presentation. Computers are used to produce an acceptable form of presentation that I not only clear but also attractive and appealing. Globalization is an aspect that all economies all over the world are striving to achieve. Globalization is a development aspect t hat can be achieved through intensifying the application of computers in networking attempts.In conclusion, the evolution of computers has come a long way from the earliest big systems to the modern atom like laptops. Information processing has been improved so much as more advanced systems evolved. New uses of computers have been discovered as more advanced systems develop. Computers are likely to continue impacting on all aspects of humanity as we move forward. Human beings in the coming years will make use of computers to perform nearly all activities that concern their life.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Little Kids - 933 Words
Where to begin? Literacy has been in invaluable part of my everyday life since I was a child. Whether public speaking, writing or reading; I can say that all three of these areas have been vital parts of my life that have been developed as time went on. However I did not accomplish this alone. Whenever there was writers block I always managed to find a source of inspiration. There were teachers, friends, and family who were always willing and able to guide me and motivate me to accomplish my goals. Throughout everything I can truly say I am glad that I have made it to today. I remember watching the little kids’ shows from my youth. I recall that one of these shows was Arthur. The simple and colorful words that would be used everyday life that appeared on the television screen would be some of the first words I ever read. Watching children’s programs, especially those that involved the act of reading such as Arthur did, really impacted how what Information I absorbed as a little kid. And since these shows didn t really use too many big words, it was easy for children to understand what was happening in the show and enjoy it. These children programs set a foundation in which I learned to pick up on other people s words and phrases growing up. At times I yearn for the simplicity of those years as a wide eyed kid absorbing everything around me. I remember walking into my kindergarten class at Easton Elemantary School. I remember wearing a blue gray polo shirt and khakiShow MoreRelatedReview Of The Little Kids 1478 Words  | 6 PagesThe Little Kids Robert and Bessie’s little kids, Teck and Vern, attended the same college where they each studied for and obtained teaching degrees. Mindful of the need to earn money for tuition during the summer months, Vern, Teck, and Bonnie, a college friend of theirs, journeyed to Minneapolis, where they could apply for summer work at Glacier National Park. 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There are many more examples of how kids were treated in the 1960’s but these are the most known and they show how people were treated. In the North most public schools were not segregated and in the South theyRead MoreEssay about Social-Psychological Principles of the Movie Unforgiven1333 Words  | 6 Pagesthat his friend and old partner, Ned was killed by Little Bill and now he’s on display in front of the saloon/brothel in town. Little Bill is in the saloon telling his crew how they are going to go searching for Will and Kid Schofield. Just then, Munny’s shotgun enters the scene, and slowly everyone turns around to see him standing in the doorway. Munny shoots and kills the owner, followed by several of Little Bill’s crew. He ends up shooting Li ttle Bill but not killing him. Munny tells the remaining
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Food Safety And Security Usda And Fda - 1530 Words
Food Safety and Security: USDA and FDA Abstract The USDA and FDA have been resources for the United States of America to turn to in regards to policies and procedures dealing with food safety and security. In this report you will find the histories of the USDA and FDA, how humans, animals and the environment are benefited by these organizations and new policies that the USDA and FDA have released recently. Historical Background †¢ Up until the mid-1800’s people s main concern when it came to food was if they had enough of it (Parcell Lamme, 2012). Food safety agencies have transformed greatly from their initial implementation; formally beginning in 1839 with Agricultural Division of the U.S. Patent Office which later in 1862†¦show more content†¦Not only had the transport of livestock increase throughout the United States, there was imports from Canada, Mexico and even Europe. In 1865 a case of imported diseased stricken livestock was brought to congress after which they quickly implemented an act that would quarantine all imported animals (All Gov, 2015). Unfortunately, the task was given to the treasury department and never enforced. Finally in 1884, after continued pleas from ranchers and veterinarians the Bureau of Animal Industry, later to be renamed as Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS), was formed to inspect all imported meat for any diseases and to v erify the quality of U.S. meat (Worosz, Knight, Harris Conner, 2008). With the increase of factory processed foods also increased questions about the safety the food, especially since there were various additives and chemicals that were use in the process (Parcell Lamme, 2012). Within the USDA there was the Division of Chemistry which was responsible for conducting investigations on various food and drugs and recommending laws based on their findings. In 1883 Dr. Harvey W. Wiley becomes chief chemist of the Bureau of Chemistry (Significant Dates in U.S. Food and Drug Law History, n.d.). He is known as the Crusading Chemist and Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act. For his work investigation work and push for regulations including preservatives, colors and chemical
The Masquerades of War Free Essays
William Westmoreland proclaims, â€Å"War is fear cloaked in courage. †Tim O’brien, Lily Lee Adams, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will write a custom essay sample on The Masquerades of War or any similar topic only for you Order Now composed literary works that disclose the different degrees of fear and absurdity aroused by war. â€Å"Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy? â€Å", â€Å"The Friendship Only Lasted A Few Seconds†, and â€Å"The Declaration of Independeance From the War in Vietnam†each express characters who encounter war in varying yet mutual ways. The characters from each composition endure the troubles of war either inside or outside of the battle field. The writings intertwine into a stream of consciousness as fear, false facade, and hope for humanity blend the three pieces of literature together. â€Å"Falsehood is easy; truth so difficult,†George Eliot announces. This remains true for both the cases of Paul Berlin and the nurse from Lily Lee Adams’ poem. Private First Class Paul Berlin â€Å"was pretending he was not in the war, pretending he had not watched Billy Boy Watkins die of a heart attack that afternoon. He pretended he was not a soldier†(622). The soldier bears a severe weight of fear inside him when he witnesses the death of a cohort in the war who dies of a heart attack.Although Berlin remains uneasy and faces a constant attack of cowardice, he curtains this and replaces his fear with a guise of bravery. In the poem by Lily Lee Adams, the nurse also withstands fear while she ponders, â€Å"How can the world understand any of this? †She doubts that she â€Å"can keep the world from forgetting†the lives that slowly fade as she holds them during their last seconds of living (629). Unlike Paul Berlin, the nurse does not pretend, but she becomes whoever she needs to be for the dying soldiers.She becomes a mother, she represents Mary, she turns into a friend even though â€Å"the friendship only lasted a few seconds. †â€Å"I never lied,†expresses the nurse; however, Berlin continues to pretend that â€Å"In the morning, when they reached the sea, it would be better†(622). The nurse of Lily Lee Adam’s poem narrates in first person point of view, while the story remains in third person limited. In the story, Paul Berlin laughs at the thought of Billy Boy Watkins â€Å"succumbing to a heart attack suffered while under enormous stress†(6 26). He finds this as an escape from his own stress and fear of his position. As the writer Kurt Vonnegutt mentions, â€Å"humor is an almost psychological response to fear;†therefore, Berlin hides his fear by laughing at the idea of death. Though honestly, he yearns for relief and wishes to forget, and â€Å"he tried not to think†of Billy Boy Watkin’s death (623). However, the nurse desires for people to remember what the soldiers are dying for as she asks the question, â€Å"How can I keep the world from forgetting? †(629). Despite their discrepancies, both characters acquire courage during the times they need it most, which helps them endure the misery heaped upon them by the war. Dr.Martin Luther King and Tim O’brien wrote about different acts of falsehood. Dr. King exclaims that Americans are facing the â€Å"cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools†(641). Also, the presence of irony occurs in Tim O’Brien’s short story when Paul Berlin reacts strangely to Billy Boy Watkin’s death. He covers his fear by pretending that Billy’s death remains â€Å"a good joke,†but inside, he knows that â€Å"even when he smelled salt and heard the sea, he could not stop being afraid†(627).Both writings reach out to their audience about the importance of accepting the truth. Dr. King elaborates on how America should not send her young black and white men to Southeast Asia to help them gain liberty when liberty in America between these races remain untrue in places like â€Å"southwest Georgia and East Harlem†(640). The story differs from the speech in that the story represents a work of fiction, while Dr. King’s speech resembles a non-fiction essay. The speech displays a first person point of view, while the story exhibits a third person limited point of view.Paul Berlin of the short story undergoes hypocrisy when he acts that fear of death and all the stress of the war remains unreal. He becomes fraudulent when he imagines that â€Å"he would never let on how frightened he had been. ‘Not so bad,’ he would say instead, making his father feel proud (623). Dr. King’s speech speaks against this kind of hypocrisy in which soldiers pretend and â€Å"kill and die together†and unite in â€Å"brutal solidarity†during war when they treat each other with disrespect and prejudiced ways back at home. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Tim O’brien both show in their ompositions war attains the ability to stir conflict within the people involved. War creates inexplicable emotions which remain baffling to people outside of the war front, but these emotions, whether they be false, forced, true, or kept hidden, allow soldiers to bear extreme hardships in times of extreme tribulations. Hiram Johnson reminds people, â€Å"Truth is the first casualty of war. †Both Lily Lee Adams and Dr. King express that adhering to the truth may only make war worse; therefore, soldiers pretend to be allies during war and nurses become the loved ones of the dying soldiers. Both characters become what they need to be at the time. Even though they bear false facades, the growth of friendship remains inevitable during battle. The American soldiers become united despite their differences and disagreements at home. The nurse becomes a true friend despite the brevity of the friendship. Both the poem and the speech reaches out to their audience and to America and asks them to realize the effects of the war and for it to change. However, a dying soldier says, â€Å"I don’t believe this, I’m dying for nothing†in the poem (629). This soldier feels that he failed his mission to serve justice in Vietnam. He desires for the world to understand and truly feel the pain and suffering he faced. Dr. King proclaims that â€Å"we must find new ways to speak for peace in Vietnam and justice throughout the developing world- a world that borders on our doors†(641). The poem notes that soldiers are dying to protect the poor people of Vietnam, but Dr. King’s speech discloses on the fact that the manipulation of the poor continues in Vietnam while American soldiers unite â€Å"burning the huts of a poor village, but we realize that they would never live on the same block in Detroit†(640).Although war remains mostly miserable, it unites the people involved. These parts of war help soldiers, nurses, and enemies to help each other out and let aside their differences. They unite in times of war and form a true bond. The nurse did the best she could for the soldiers, her friends. Dr. King whishes America to do the best she can as well. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , Tim O’Brien, and Lily Lee Adams composed laudable works that deal with characters who endure the worst aspects of war. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence From the War in Vietnam,†â€Å"Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy? , and â€Å"The Friendship Only Lasted A Few Seconds†prove that truth and fear weave a balance of feelings that help people endure during times of serious distress. Without people’s different ways of handling emotions towards fear and their acceptance of the truth during war, every soldier, fighter, nurse, and observer would rupture into madness and dissipate deep into the abyss of hopelessness and oppression. People need to remember what war instigates and comprehend that as Isaac Asimov remarked, â€Å"It is not only the living who are killed in war. â€Å" How to cite The Masquerades of War, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Value Of Environmental Agencies Essay Example For Students
Value Of Environmental Agencies Essay Value of Environmental Agencies In current times man has become so consumed with weapons and money that theplanet has been neglected.With something so typical and now common as choppingdown the rainforest to produce trees for mass abundance of political paper andland to graze more cattle this thoughtless destruction, disturbs all aspects ofthe environment.This is business as usual.The lands being destroyed are themost unique and diverse lands in the world.Chris Park Senior lecturer in theDepartment of Geographer at Lancaster University states, The availablestatistics are impressive and the rainforests claim to fame as the richestecological zone on earth(26).In order to efficiently restore and protect thedamaged land, animals, and people environmental agencies must be valued. We will write a custom essay on Value Of Environmental Agencies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now By destroying the forest, we are creating an open-door policy fordisease.For example, the S.Amerindians have long adopted to endemic diseaseand have prevented them, in large part, by their adaptation to conditions oflife over the 20,000 years they have inhabited the tropical forest.With thelumber companies invading these towns and villages, their western germs areexposing isolated, once-contained people.Kathlyn Gay, author of Rainforests ofthe World, mentions, Indigenous people in many countries have died because ofcontact with outsiders-usually whites of northern European extraction-who havebrought contagious diseases, ranging from measles to influenza, and sexuallytransmitted disease(20).With the importance of the land resources comes theever significance of the atmosphere.The atmospheres most predictive componentis the ozone layer.The distribution of the forests and multiplying of grazingcattle are causes immense damage to the ozone.John Nichol, head of Worldfest90 production and marketing, alludes, In Brazil and other countries in Southand Central America the smoke from fires burning the jungle is sometimes sothick that great palls of it drift for miles(140).These smoke clouds areaffecting the weather patterns.Weather patterns are changing too, and theconsensus of informed opinion is that this too is a direct result of destructionof the forest(Nichol 136).The slashing and burning of the Amazon forest iscausing carbon monoxide build-up, promising severe damage to our securityblanket of the ozone.This damage and the critically harsh and uncharacteristicweather pattern is slowly erasing some of our animals. The animals are the most diverse and ecologically sound species on thisplanet.They are not only being destroyed but exterminated.Many ecologist,say that such a species loss has not occurred since the dinosaurs becameextinct 65 million years ago.Why is this so?The last drastic species lossoccurred when glaciers melted.Although converted waves of extinction havecertainly occurred in paleolithic past, current and future losses will be soexponential that the implications are chilling.Average extinction backgroundrate has a range of 2.0 and 4.6 families/species per million years and may riseto 19.3 during periods of mass extinction.The most complex and immense speciesthat will not be present for much longer are insects.The recentoverburgeoning numbers of crop-destructive insects have been shown to be causedat least in part by a decrease in the countrys population of insect eatingbirds, advises, Arnold Newman the author of Tropical Rainforest(135).Aterrific example is the leaf cutter or pa rasol ants that are seen in theneotropical forests.These ants climb trees that are only indigenous torainforest and cut out dime-sized pieces of leaves and flowers with their sharpmandibles.The leaves and flowers of these trees are the main and only food forthese species of ants.And with the elimination of the forest will come theelimination of the leaf cutter ants.All forms of life within the rainforestare highly interdependent, so that even small changes in habitat or species canhave serious knock on effects throughout the ecosystem(Newman 19).Thisdisturbance of the food cycle is wickedly important.In general, the food cycleliterally goes from the ground up,plants being the primary producers.Theplants are eaten by herbivores and grazers and the carnivores eat bothherbivores and themselves(carnivores) when the forests are destroyed along withthe animals of all sizes huge gaps in the food cycle are vacant.This is a serious concern in recent years over stability and very survival of somerainforests which are threatened with irreversible change if not wholesaleclearance(Park 19).There mast be a way in which we can preserve nature. Acommon and effective approach to protecting nature in many countries has been todesignate particular areas as national parks or nature reserves, and restrictland use changes or damaging activities within the designated areas(Park 132). Many people in the world do not want to see the rainforest disappear; as aresult , reserves are set up.In 1990 there were roughly 560 tropical forestparks and reserves covering a total of 780,000 km squared and accounting forabout 4 per cent of all tropical forest. .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .postImageUrl , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:hover , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:visited , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:active { border:0!important; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:active , .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud8ccc8e2c7ce38e102f8dcaf8b09f88f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Effect of War on Civilians and Soldiers EssayWhen the forest people are taken from their homelandand put somewhereelse they do not know how to change.They are being pushed to the edge ofextinction, and public sympathies are swinging in their direction(Park 105). The modern world is so crazy to think the forest people can make such a drasticchange.The forest people loss their culture because they can not bring theirforests resources into the modern world.Displacement happens from taking awayof land which the forest people use to support themselves.It is almostimpossible to think that they can change their lifestyle and experiences andstart all over.Families in the United St ates have a difficult time moving fromstate to state in most cases. Everything in the jungle was fine until money-hungry man wanted to makeeven more money and ruin everyones lives.Everyone should just leave thejungle alone to live in peace and harmony.If all the people of the world worktogether then maybe we can help save the land, animals, and people.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Example Letter to Friend Describing An Exciting or Frightening Experience
Example Letter to Friend Describing An Exciting or Frightening Experience Free Online Research Papers Example Letter to Friend Describing An Exciting or Frightening Experience Dear Charles, It’s been a long time since I last wrote to you and I hope you are doing fine.Last week I experienced one of the most frightening moments of my life. I was teaching my last lesson of the day and standing by the window I saw two guys pass by. Frankly speaking, I didn’t like the way the looked into my class. I couldn’t help feeling quite uneasy after that, I told my students about it and they said I was fussing over it. I tried to go on with my class but those guys kept passing by. After finishing my class I got in my car and decided to stay there for a while and check what was going on. A short time later, I saw the two men trying to break the front door lock. I immediately called the police. The two burglars were encountering problems to break into and finally they made a clean getaway when they began to worry that someone might see them. When the police showed up, after an hour or so, they asked me if I could offer clues to their identities. I refused doing so, I was really disappointed at them, if they had come soon after I made the first call they would have been able to catch them. â€Å"We are keen to trace these guys as soon as possible as we believe they have been involved in a number of break-ins.†, the policeman said. The police officers in my country are well known for their bad reputation and in this case I have grounds to believe that. I am not going to cooperate with them, they might catch them but they will surely be released on the same day. I have been so traumatized, I have been unable to sleep properly since. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Ana Research Papers on Example Letter to Friend Describing An Exciting or Frightening Experience19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresStandardized TestingThe Fifth HorsemanThe Hockey GameThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseQuebec and CanadaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsMind Travel
Monday, March 2, 2020
How to Read George Saunders “Lincoln in the Bardoâ€Â
How to Read George Saunders' â€Å"Lincoln in the Bardo†Lincoln in the Bardo, the novel by George Saunders, has become one of those books everyone is talking about. It spent two weeks on The New York Times bestseller list, and has been the subject of numerous hot takes, think pieces, and other literary essays. Not many debut novelists get this kind of adulation and attention. Not all debut novelists are George Saunders. Saunders has already made his reputation as a modern master of the short story- which explains his low profile, even among avid readers. Short stories usually don’t get much attention unless your name is Hemingway or Stephen King- but the story has been having a bit of a Moment in recent years as Hollywood has discovered that you can base entire feature films on shorter works, as they did with the Oscar-nominated Arrival (based on the short story Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang). Saunders is a delightful writer who combines a sharp intelligence and wit with science fiction tropes and a keen understanding of how people live and think to produce unexpected, unusual, and often thrilling stories that go in directions no one can possibly claim to have predicted. Before you rush off to buy a copy of Lincoln in the Bardo, however, a word of warning: Saunders is deep stuff. You can’t- or at least you shouldn’t- just dive in. Saunders has created a novel that really is different from any other that has come before, and here are a few tips on how to read it. Read His Shorts This is a novel, it really is, but Saunders honed his craft in the field of short stories, and it shows. Saunders divides his story up in smaller stories- the basic plot is that Abraham Lincoln’s son, Willie, has just died of fever in 1862 (which really happened). Willie’s soul is now in the Bardo, a state of being in-between death and what comes later. Adults can remain in the Bardo indefinitely through sheer willpower, but if children don’t shuffle off quickly they start to suffer horribly. When the President visits his son and cradles his body, Willie decides not to move on- and the other ghosts in the graveyard decide they must convince him to go for his own good. Each ghost gets to tell stories, and Saunders further divides the book into other snippets. Essentially, reading the novel is like reading dozens of interconnected short stories- so bone up on Saunders’ short work. For starters, check out CivilWarLand in Bad Decline, which is not at all what you think it is. Two others you can’t miss would be 400 Pound CEO (in the same collection) and The Semplica Girl Diaries, in his collection Tenth of December. Don’t Panic Some folks might be tempted to assume this is too much for them- too much history, too much literary trickery, too many characters. Saunders doesn’t hold your hand, that’s true, and the opening of the book is deep, lush, and extremely detailed. But don’t panic- Saunders knows that what he’s done here might be overwhelming to some, and he’s structured the book with alternating waves of energy- highs and lows. Make it through the first few dozen pages and you’ll start to see how Saunders offers up a moment to catch your breath as he slides in and out of the main narrative. Watch for the Fake News When Saunders dives out of the narrative, he offers up the personal stories of the ghosts as well as glimpses of Lincoln’s life before and after his son died. While these scenes are offered up realistically, with the dry tone of historical fact, they’re not all true; Saunders mixes real events with imagined ones pretty freely, and without warning. So don’t assume that anything Saunders describes in the book as part of history really happened. Ignore the Citations Those historic snippets are often offered with citations, which serve to both burnish that sense of realism (even for the imagined moments) and root the story in the real 19th century. But a curious thing will happen if you simply ignore the credits- the veracity of the scenes ceases to matter, and the voice of history becomes just another ghost telling its tale, which is a little mind blowing if you allow yourself to sit with it a while. Skip the citations and the book will be even more entertaining, and a little easier to read. George Saunders is a genius, and Lincoln in the Bardo will no doubt remain one of those books that people want to talk about for years to come. The only question is, will Saunders come back with another long-form story, or will he go back to short stories?
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Audience Analysis Cover Sheet + Persuasive Letter on Surrogacy Assignment
Audience Analysis Cover Sheet + Persuasive Letter on Surrogacy Arrangements - Assignment Example Such as this is not a topic commonly discussed to them, reactions will be varied. Most would be interested in hearing the objective arguments on both sides of the spectrum before fully developing their own opinion. A number will already have a shaped opinion which may be for or against the issue. By the end of the speech, some may still be on the fence with their stand. It is important to note that their concern would be minimal unless they know of or are suffering from fertility issues. Those who may have a background which favors surrogacy motherhood would have a strong opinion in favor of it. While those who don’t will most likely yield reasonable attention on the speaker’s stand. It may not be avoided that there would be some bigotry surrounding the issue. Topics that would scrutinize and disparage gay people and gay relations should be avoided. A holier-than-thou voice in presenting the subject should also be evaded. These would simply exclude people and could even be perceived as ignorance and narrow-mindedness. It should not revolve around intolerance but rather an objective approach to presenting the most logical and preeminent debate on the issue. Approach should be firm from the beginning of the speech. When presenting the argument which is against surrogacy motherhood, there should be authoritativeness in stating your opinion. This is to be able to convince the audience on your conviction regarding the rectitude of your argument. They should feel your own personal adherence to the fact that the issue of surrogacy is wrong in a number of aspects and not just simply a stubborn belief. In presenting the data that let you come up in forming your own position, there should be a tone of seriousness to it. Because it is a sensitive issue, it would be difficult to add humor to your speech. Instead, fervor should always be present to persuade them to adapt to your stand. The speech
Sunday, February 2, 2020
History assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
History assignment - Essay Example Both the terms share the common goal of advocating territorial expansion and link it to superior American traits. ‘Manifest Destiny’ uses the philosophical belief in the divine sanction, the propagation of democratic institutions and economic compulsions to support its stand. It was largely based on feelings of cultural and racial superiority (MacKay). The ‘Frontier Thesis’ holds that the very character of the American people was shaped by Westward expansion. Here again, territorial expansion is linked to superior American traits, such as democracy and individualism (Hietala). These terms are significant in American history because they form the basis of the American policy of expansion: first on the continent and, later for US imperialism across the globe. The annexation of Texas in 1845, the acquisition of Oregon from Britain in 1846, the conquest of California and New Mexico in the American-Mexican War of 1846, and the appropriation of land from the Native Americans were all partly justified on the principle of ‘Manifest Destiny’ and approval of the ‘Frontier
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Great Gatsby- Do s really love cars and money? :: essays research papers fc
The Great Gatsby- Do s really love cars and money?      In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Gatsby attempts to be obtain his American dream with conspicuous consumption. Fitzgerald uses symbols of conspicuous consumption in money, cars and houses to show that the American dream of wealth and possessions doesn’t necessarily ensure happiness.      The concept of conspicuous consumption is greatly exemplified in The Great Gatsby, by all of the characters being in possession of excessive amounts of property and money. Money is the get-all give-all in Gatsby’s version of the American dream. If one can obtain lots of money to impress the women, then he must have it made; Realists disagree with this mindset. ‘â€Å"[Gatsby] wants her to see his house,†she explained. â€Å"And your [Nick’s] house is right next door (84).†’ Gatsby wants to display his wealth to Daisy, so she will be impressed with him. The different eggs represent the standings of people’s money. Gatsby in on the West, which is the people who don't have any real standing, even when they have lots of money. The West Egg represents the new money, or the money that was earned, not inherited. Daisy, the woman that Gatsby has always wanted, lives on East Egg. This is Gatsby displaying conspicuous consump tion towards Daisy. Not only Gatsby displays this trait, however. Referring to Mr. Wolfshiem’s cufflinks, which were â€Å"composed of oddly familiar pieces of ivory. ‘Finest specimens of human molars,’ he informed me (77).†This is a display of someone who has bought cufflinks merely for the reason of buying, using the excess money he has. This conspicuous consumption get a man nowhere but in awe of equally lost people. People who are stuck in spending money also display their level of social status with their car.      The automobile has always been a kind of status symbol in the United States. Expensive cars are associated with the possession of great wealth. Gatsby's car is described as the ‘epitome of wealth.’ Gatsby bought his car in order to convey his material success. This is the vehicle that kills Myrtle and indirectly leads to Gatsby's own . The automobile is stressed again and again throughout the story and is used in the end to prove that a dream based on materialism alone will in the end be destructive. Gatsby saw â€Å" [Nick] looking with admiration at his car. ‘It’s pretty, isn’t it, old sport?’ He jumped off to give me a better view.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Examine and Assess the Ways the State Claims Legitimacy
The state refers to the shared ideas and expectations regarding the ordering of social life, it is seen by social scientists as a set of practices and organisations. The state is an institutional order striving to create some order, thus preventing chaos in order to ensure law and order to encourage social stability. Governments include a part of the state, with the main concern being the protection of individual freedom, the government demands the right to represent or rule some areas of society’s lives. Social scientists are able to see the differences between what the government is and what the state is all about. On the whole the government includes a group of ministers who rule and administer the laws concerning national issues, whereas the state is seen to have continuity, therefore it is not temporary, the state is based on shared beliefs concerning the arrangements of social life. The English historian AJP Taylor argued that until August 1915 â€Å"a sensible law abiding Englishman could pass through life and hardly notice the existence of the state beyond the post office and the policeman†(Exploring social lives 2009). This shows that from the end of this period and onwards across the United Kingdom the state appears to be everywhere, it shows that the lives of society have been made and remade by the state as during World War 1 and World War 2 acts of parliament were passed, the state legitimised acts which could not be contested by society as they were faced with war and great turmoil. The state is part of the discourses that can be seen in day to day life and can be seen by such organisations as schools, hospitals, housing and transport to name a few. The making and remaking of the state is also shown to be constructed by society, whereby individuals have had to become â€Å"active citizens†. This making and remaking can be seen by the members of society who pay their taxes, who comply with the speed limit, individuals who renew their MOT and so forth, on the other hand many may also unmake the state by not complying with the law, this however would lead to consequences by the state and shows that the state can claim legitimacy over such members of society. Christopher Hood (1982, Exploring social lives) a political scientist argues that the bodies that now make up the state are a â€Å"formless mass†. By this he means that the state is so large and made up of many organisations and practices compared to a century ago that it is full of complexity. With reference to the essay title it is difficult to actually decipher what legitimacy actually means, this is because the government or state have their own ideas of what is legal and lawful whereby they pass acts of law which lead to legislation, however some members of society may not agree with what the state deems to be legitimate, one such example is the evidence shown in the Exploring Social Lives DVD involving the coal miners’ strike. Although the miners’ strike was caused by the massive pit closure programme that was introduced by Thatcher and her Conservative government; the government used the state and the police to help defeat the miners’ strike. The miners were also prevented from claiming state benefits this was due to the fact that welfare benefits were not permitted to individuals who were on strike. Another act was also passed in 1980 concerning the social security act, this saw that any dependents of any individual striking would not be permitted to receive any payments even if they were in â€Å"urgent need†. The German sociologist Max Weber defined the state as â€Å"a human community that claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory†. By this he means that the state can choose to pass laws that cannot be contested by others, the state is therefore more dominant. In the case of the coal miners it shows that the state claimed legitimacy when passing such acts of law and showed they were more dominant than the coal workers. Members of society can show whether they are opposed by some acts passed by the state by having elections, however this does not mean that society can question the states legitimacy it is merely a way for individuals to question government policies and elect a new government if need be. David Beetham a democratic theorist argued that political A9363176 legitimacy can come into being from a number of points, firstly legal validity, by this he means that a government is formed, and then state agencies operate according to the rules of the constitution. Secondly justifiability of those rules in terms of local values, by this he questions the constitutional rules and asks if they are satisfactory to the members of society who are ruled by them. Thirdly evidence of express consent, this is whereby members of society can have the opportunity to either withhold or not their agreement with the government and its policies (1992 Exploring social lives). The general idea of Beetham’s statement shows that the legitimacy of a state can be if the constitutional rules are acceptable to the members of society that are ruled by them. The state can also be experienced through the census, which is carried out every ten years. The state claims legitimacy through the census as you are required by law to complete it. However in many cases members of society do not comply and choose to ignore aspects of some of the categories that they are meant to complete. Other ways in which the state can claim legitimacy is through indirect influences such as education, for example in Exploring Social Lives parents such as Jill have to make choices in the selection of nurseries and schools that would be appropriate for their child. This shows that education is an indirect legislation, although the parent can make choices as to where the child is taught not all parents can be successful in choosing the school of their first choice in addition the child cannot vote or take part in the system so the state can claim legitimacy through the educational system. Another example of how the state claims legitimacy is in the way it is connected to democracy. This type of democratic system is whereby society decides which representatives should be elected to run the country, however democracy is seen to be more than just voting it is based upon the principles of equality and freedom of speech and a way of life. Legitimacy of a state however can only be practised in countries where laws are enforced. Most importantly individuals from a democratic state have particular liberties and freedoms that are protected by the state. Democracy is a political order that happens in the majority of countries, there are very few individuals who would actually object to democracy as it would be denying freedoms. Now in the twenty first century democracy is closely linked to state legitimacy. â€Å"while democracy is not yet universally practised, nor indeed uniformly accepted, in the general climate of world opinion, democratic governance has now achieved the status of being taken to be generally right. The ball is very much in the court of those who want to rubbish democracy to provide justification for that rejection†(Sen 1999 Exploring Social Lives). The political theorist John Hoffman argues that the state cannot exist unless it is being contested. A state claims a monopoly of legitimate force, but ironically it is only because ‘competitors contest the state’s claim to have a monopoly of legitimate force that the state exists at all. A state that really did have a monopoly of legitimate force would have no reason to exist†(Hoffman 2007, Exploring Social Lives). One such example of a state that has been fought for is Northern Ireland. During the years 1919 -1921 after the war of independence Ireland was divided, this new division of Ireland created in the south saw a new independent Irish Republic, whilst the North of Ireland was ruled by the British. The population of Northern Ireland was divided which saw much hostility within societies living there. Most of the population of Northern Ireland looked upon themselves as British (Unionists). Others saw themselves as Loyalists and were mainly Protestants, whilst others saw themselves as Irish Catholics. The Nationalists and Republicans began to contest against the state as they felt they were being discriminated against, this led to civil rights marches during the 1960’s. However in 1972 on the 30th of January a march led to the start of what is known as â€Å"Bloody Sunday†.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Staying Children in TYC Contribute to the Abuse of Children There Free Essay Example, 2000 words
At least half of the 2700 youths sent to TYC facilities in 2006 had a background of nonviolent crimes mostly burglary, theft, drug offences and unlawful use of a motor vehicle ( Becka and Jones 2007) Even some of the violent ones were minor such as 11% for simple assault. I would argue that whether for adults or children incarceration should be primarily for serious violent crimes to protect society at large. Of course to the extent, possible re-socialization of such offenders should be attempted although this is often not successful even in well-run prisons. For nonviolent offences like burglary and theft, rather than incarceration I would argue a more effective program of re-socialization would be to require the offender to the extent possible to reimburse the victim and/o perform community service work. This would I suggest do more to instill values of respect for others and their property than incarceration. Therefore such nonviolent offenders should not be in TYC facilities. Wi th fewer inmates, one would expect better re socialization results because there would be lower inmate/guard ratios and therefore more opportunity for monitoring and counseling. We will write a custom essay sample on Staying Children in TYC Contribute to the Abuse of Children There or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
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