Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Belief in a Utopia - 795 Words
What is an ideal society? What is your â€Å"perfect†world? We all have laid in bed late at night thinking of how if only we had some magic power to change the world how much better the world. Even thinking about what we would change about the world. Many have tried to achieve a perfect society or in other words a utopia. Possibly the most famous utopian civilization was the Oneida Society built solely for the purpose of everyone being equal. Ultimately though the Oneida people collapsed under the greed of the people who used their metal making skills to create a business within the compound to provide for the monetary needs of the people. The metal work of the Oneida people is seen daily and you probably don’t even know it. While the Oneida society has fallen their greed filled business still thrives creating nearly all massed produced silver wear. The Oneida’s may have failed but with a few adjustments to society we all can live in a self-made utopia. The ideal society can be achieved by changing the way we are governed moving towards lowering crime, creating an equal wage system, and providing a nation free of racial discrimination. In order for society to achieve a utopian state, the lowering of crime would need to be implemented. One way in which crime could be lowered is through a militant state. This would mean that the armed forces would be in charge of not only protecting a nation but also that nations political views. Essentially putting any army in power of politicalShow MoreRelatedUtopia Vs Dystopian Society1473 Words  | 6 Pagessociety have failed and that means that not only have utopias been created but that dystopias have arrised. Each one is set and planned to be a utopia that only ends up taking another course and turning into a dystopian society. Utopia simply means â€Å"an ideal place or state†, where as a dystopia is the opposite (â€Å"utopia†). Dystopias is â€Å"a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding†(â€Å"dystopia†). Utopias usually end up becoming dystopias because everyoneRead More Thomas Mores Utopia Essays1404 Words  | 6 PagesThomas More’s Utopia is a work of ambiguous dualities that forces the reader to question More’s real view on the concept of a utopian society. However, evidence throughout the novel suggests that More did intend Utopia to be the â€Å"best state of the commonwealth.†The detailed description of Utopia acts as Mores mode of expressing his humanistic views, commenting on the fundamentals of human nature and the importance of reason and natural law, while gracefully combining the two seemingly conflictingRead More Comparing Margaret Cavendish’s The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World and Sir Tho1706 Words  | 7 Pagesand Sir Thomas More’s Utopia The so-called Utopia – the quasi-perfect society – flourishes in Margaret Cavendish’s â€Å"The Description of a New World, Called a Blazing World†and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia. While the former is a dreamlike account of fantasy rule and the latter a pseudo-realistic travelogue, both works paint a picture of worlds that are not so perfect after all. These imperfections glitter like false gemstones in the paths of these Utopians’ religious beliefs, political systems, andRead More Utopian Dreams Essay1391 Words  | 6 Pagesof belief. â€Å"Some worship for god the sun, some the moon, some some other of the planets†(117). The only thing that they all believe in is that there is one supreme ruler that creates miracles and brings them such joy. This is all quite contrary to the beliefs held in 1516 England. Their opinions resemble those of Christianity: their priestly caste, their high standard of morality, their prayers, and the ir hymns. However, in England the Roman Catholic Church allowed no freedom of beliefs. InRead MoreUtopi A Critique Of 17th And 16th Century English And European Society1416 Words  | 6 PagesPaper 3: Utopia Sir Thomas More’s Utopia offers a critique of 15th and 16th century English and European society. He offers this criticism through a fictitious recount of world traveler Raphael Hythloday’s journey to the land of Utopia. More brilliantly expresses his criticisms of society through the voice of Hythloday, primarily so none of his views, no matter how outlandish, couldn’t technically be tied back to him. This societal critique was one of the most famous works produced from the RenaissanceRead MoreThomas Mores Utopia and its impact on English society during the Renaissance.1433 Words  | 6 Pagesduring this period. Mores style is simple because of its colloquial language but a deeper look into his irony hints at deep dissatisfaction with the current thought and desire for change. Utopia (which in Greek means nowhere) is the name of Mores fictional island of perfected society. Thomas Mores Utopia was the first literary work in which the ideas of Communism appear ed and was highly esteemed by all the humanists of Europe in Mores time. More uses the main character, Hythlodaeus, as aRead More Utopia - The Impossibility of Perfection Essay example1686 Words  | 7 PagesUtopia - The Impossibility of Perfection The latter end of [this] commonwealth forgets the beginning. ?William Shakespeare, The Tempest From Platos The Republic to Karl Marxs Communist Manifesto, the search for a perfect social state has never stopped; its ultimate goal of achieving a human society that exists in absolute harmony with all due social justice, however, has proved to be woefully elusive. The pure concept of a utopia can be theoretically visualized as a perfect geometricRead MoreSir Thomas More s Utopia And Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince1454 Words  | 6 PagesSir Thomas More’s Utopia and Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince reflect the ideals of the Renaissance. Their reflections of the Renaissance are similar; however, their representations of the Renaissance also have distinct differences. The Renaissance or â€Å"rebirth†was a cultural movement that accompanied the passage of Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times. Niccolo Machiavelli was an Italian civic humanist, historian, diplomat, philosopher, politician, and writer during the Renaissance. He appliedRead MoreThomas Mo re s Utopia?1464 Words  | 6 Pages Thomas More’s Utopia By: Jocelyn Torres English 2322 12 October 2017 Jocelyn Torres English 2322 Read MoreThomas More s Utopia And The Problem A Selfish Community1057 Words  | 5 PagesENGL 1101 Oct. 2, 2015 Thomas More’s Utopia and the Problem a Selfish Community What is an ideal society? As described in Utopia by Sir Thomas More, a utopia is close to ideal because it assumes that the population is not ideal. He describes Utopia as being a place where the laws are built in such a way that makes that makes immoral thinking irrational. Utopia operates in a way that people act in the community’s best interest, rather than their own. In Utopia, More argues that a community that acts
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Understanding Of An Individual Culture Background
We know that culture intelligence is related to cross-culture competence. The understanding of an individual culture background. My key objective is that people fail to adjust to understand new cultures, behavioral, cognitive, and motivational aspect of other cultures. Before anyone goes to a foreign country for a new job, living or visiting, we should educate ourselves before taking that journey. We know going to another country can be scary, but we can learn new things from them and they can learn new things from our country and culture. You have to know how to motivate a multicultural group with different languages, and who have different culture context. Know their sensitivity and habits. We all have different thinking patterns. All†¦show more content†¦Every culture has a different mental capacity, like communication, and s different mindset, among workers. We should make sure that we articulate our delivery well, to the receiver. Hopefully they will understand of what you are saying to them and not talking out the side of your neck. Some cultures don’t like hear outburst within the workplace, this can cause hostility in the workplace and it can cause a negative impact on the task. We should understand the wellbeing of all cultures, show respect, and have a win-win attitude. We cannot base any judgement of anyone, we should discuss this in meetings, one on one, but we should be sensitive about it. Open communication should be number one, don’t hold anything inside that will lead to stress, hostility, fear, hurt, that can cause others mental confusion, don’t care how anyone else feels. Everyone should be on the same page. The developmental continuum of cultural sensitivity The Intercultural Development Continuum is a set of knowledge/attitude/skill sets or orientations toward cultural difference and barriers that are arrayed along a continuum from the more monoculture mindsets of Denial and negative behavioral patterns through the transitional orientation of Minimization to the intercultural or global mindsets of Acceptance and Adaptation. Some cultures do not admit Denial because of Disinterest in
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Distribution Of Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Childhood fleshiness is distributed disproportionately in different parts. Socio-economic position, racial groups, ( lobstein et.al. We will write a custom essay sample on Distribution Of Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 2006 ) being more common in lower expectary and morbidity are common in lower. Socio-economic group in developed states like U.K ( Wilkison.R A ; Marmot R ) sing these several factors. Sociological theoretical accounts strives to explicate wellness inequalities in society which contributes to childhood fleshiness. The 2nd back study ( exworthy 2003 ) identified inequalities in wellness and the ( Acheson 1988a ) concluded that socio-economic inequalities and this explore a manner with single life manners, socio-economic position ( Dahlgreen societal determiners A ; whitehead 1991 ) with several theoretical account which explains the wellness inequalities includes- Individual behavior- life style A ; civilization. In this single behaviour the nutrient wonts of the kids plays an of import function in kids from lower-income groups are more vulnerable to fleshiness due to high Calorie, high-fats in cheaper nutrients and limited physical activity ( Kumanjika 2008 ) . In Westernization or modern societal tendencies noshing, drinks, fast nutrients in eating houses and restricted physical activity by parents contributes for prevalence of childhood fleshiness in higher income groups ( ) . In support for this account about physical activity degree or sedentary activity degrees by kids have declined in U.K activity A ; inaction acts as spheres to stand for the prevalence of fleshiness ( Gortmaker et. , Al ) This single behaviour is chosen to avoid unhealthy nutrient wonts, inaction in kids and to follow healthy wonts to get the better of ill-health. This single behaviour theoretical account provides account on life manner or civilization of the parentschildren and this avoids focal point social factors for childhood fleshiness. Mostly it is individualistic and alteration in behaviour should non itself wellness inequalities for adequate to explicate childhood fleshiness. Other societal factors are to be considered which contributes for another model- The materialist Structuralist: This theoretical account focuses on societal factors and poorness as the chief factors for sick wellness associating to child goon fleshiness aa‚ ¬ †In U.K kids from low socio economic groups have somewhat higher odds than kids from higher income groups ( Stamatkis et. Al. , 2005 ) .Statically grounds shows that kids from lower income groups histories for ( 31 % ) to the kid goon fleshiness ( Wardle et al.,2006 ) . This account supports poorness, as the chief cause for sick wellness in kids of the lower societal groups. The morbidity rates are stable from 19th century in low socio economic categories and even started out of the blue increasing from last old ages of twentieth century ( Mackenbach.P.J 2006 ) . The authorities stated no being of poorness in Britain as consumer lasting ownership is even high in low income groups ( Goodman et. al. , 1997 ) .This statement failed by Breadline Britain Surveys which evidenced 20 % families are below poorness line ( Gordon 1997 ) . This account contributes information to authorities to concentrate on low societal categories to better the life criterions to get the better of sick wellness in kids. This account is supported by: Marmot reexamine report- The societal gradient of wellness inequality groundss if lower socio economic position the poorer is the wellness with inter related factors like- unemployment, lodging etc. , ( Marmot Review Report 2010 ) . This account specifies that deficiency of resources, low rewards, poorness are responsible for sick wellness in kids and these factors are out of control by the person and to better rewards, resources to the working category accent on political relations i.e. , authorities is made which adopts a exemplary Neo-Materialist theoretical account and this theoretical account stress on societal, political, economic factors which affects the wellness and these are out of control of single and includes results from organisations like schools, fast nutrient ironss etc. , ( White.K 2010 ) . This laid to an attack by authorities in supplying low fat bites repasts in schools. This mercenary theoretical account account is important to explicate about the capitalist state like U.K. The authorities is with increasing inequalities in wellness and income degrees ( Mackenbach P.J. 2006 ) . This indicates that policy devising by the authorities should look after the wages axes of the on the job category. This account is supported by the fact that U.K poorness is reversed to 1930s from 1980s ( Gordon 1997 ) . And widened income degrees in U.K from 1980s ( Wilkinson R.G ) . This mercenary theoretical account has been expanded to life class attack model- as the childhood fleshiness is underlying hazard factor for chronic diseases like cardiac diseases, diabetes mellitus, hyper tenseness etc. , ( Gortmaker.S.L et al. , 1993 ) supported by childhood fleshiness uninterrupted to adult and is affected by socio economic fortunes ( Viner M.R, Cole.T 2005 ) . The mercenary theoretical account account indicates that single wellness or behaviour is strongly influenced by factors beyond the persons control and this adopts a socio economic theoretical account ( Acheson 1998a ) deficiency resources in the society like unemployment, higher monetary values, low rewards, deficiency of houses etc. , are the societal determiners which contributes to ill wellness ( Wang 2004 ) . This provides account on relationship between single and their surrounding surveies suggests that societal fortunes play an of import function in single behaviour. Children from low socio economic position are more vulnerable to fleshiness due to faulty, cheaper nutrient high Calorie diet and limited physical activity ( ) . This deficiency of resources by parents of low income category obstructs kids signifier healthy diet, physical activity and this support that the ailment wellness, fleshiness is influenced by societal fortunes instead than single. The material resources i s supported by: Marmot Review Report- The one-year estimated cost of wellness inequalities is between A?36 billion to A?40 billion and is with societal justness for get the better ofing wellness inequalities ( Marmot Review Report 2010 ) . This supports that justness in material resources to take down income category overcomes wellness inequalities in farther coevals of kids. The socio economic theoretical account explores in sing psychosocial factors for kid goon fleshiness which is supported by kids with corpulent female parents, lower cognitive stimulation, lower income degrees are with increased hazard for fleshiness. This psychological factors focus on low self-pride, kids with unhealthy behaviour. Social procedures that are involved in childhood fleshiness are concluded by explicating hypothesis aa‚ ¬ †Relative poorness effects on kids child goon fleshiness, Living criterions, household influence on childhood fleshiness, comparing of position by kids in society. How to cite Distribution Of Childhood Obesity Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Electronic Signatures Essay Research Paper Technical WritingEnglish free essay sample
Electronic Signatures Essay, Research Paper Technical Writing English 2311 Elizabeth Huston, Ph.D. Mark Anthony Perez April 28, 2001 Saturday Class Electronic Signature engineering To: Elizabeth Huston, Ph.D. From: Mark Anthony Perez Date: April 28, 2001 Capable: Electronic Signature Technology Abstraction: During our February 3 meeting, upper degree direction expressed concerns about non being able to cover with client histories online. We discussed some of the jobs they encounter when seeking to treat minutess online. We agreed some alterations needed to be made and that new engineering demands to be researched for our online concern minutess. An electronic signature plan can supply this company with an advanced solution for managing minutess online. The electronic signature provides trust and security in e-commerce, in electronic informations interchange and in the unfastened web as a whole. It allows any receiver of an electronic information to specify the transmitter and to look into whether the information has been changed, or whether its unity has been violated. An electronic signature, which incorporates cryptanalysis, encoding and decoding, is of import, to this concern, the authorities, and all of us as persons. It is clip to upgrade, regenerate and progress our systems for this turning tendency. Introduction During our February 3 meeting, upper degree direction expressed concerns about non being able to cover with client histories online. We discussed some of the jobs they encounter when seeking to treat minutess online. We agreed some alterations needed to be made and that new engineering demands to be researched for our online concern minutess. The usage of electronic signatures was at the top of our list. Many of our rivals have already constitutional e-signature confirmation within their systems for on-line concern and for managing their fiscal records. Using this advanced, high-level engineering can significantly cut down on the clip it takes to treat on-line concern. Consequently, it is pressing that we take rapid action toward the processs required for integrating the usage of Electronic Signatures. Proposal Solution An electronic signature plan can supply this company with an advanced solution for managing minutess online, every bit good as for decreasing the cost of processing files through mail or long distance travelling. # 8220 ; The usage of an e-signature is making greater consumer assurance in online concern minutess # 8230 ; # 8221 ; ( Hammar, Sven ) , over the Internet. One of the most of import elements to increasing online concern, in concurrence with increasing gross revenues, is to happen which type of e-signature plan to set into action. In order to do best usage of electronic commercialism chances, a secure environment with regard to electronic signatures is needed. Several different methods exist to subscribe paperss electronically changing from really simple methods ( e.g. infixing a scanned image of a hand-written signature in a word processing papers ) to really advanced methods ( e.g. digital signatures utilizing # 8216 ; public-key cryptanalysis # 8217 ; ) . The term # 8220 ; Electronic Signature # 8221 ; is presently being used, but there is presently no agreed definition for it. It is likely that different readings may be behind the undermentioned definition and diction. # 8220 ; The term # 8216 ; electronic signature # 8217 ; means information or information in electronic signifier, attached to or logically associated with an electronic record, and executed or adopted by a individual or an electronic agent of a individual, with the purpose to subscribe a contract, understanding, or record, # 8221 ; harmonizing to Jon Udell. When digital signatures are used, the confirmation of the genuineness of information does non needfully turn out the individuality of the signer that created the electronic signature. How does for case the receiver of a signed papers know without ambiguity who the signer is or do certain that it is the 1 that he claims to be? The receiver may wish to obtain more dependable information on the individuality of the signer. The signer himself, publishing the receiver with satisfactory cogent evidence, can give such information. Another manner is to hold it confirmed by a trust service supplier ( e.g. an authorization trusted by one or more parties ) . The fallowing paragraph pertains to how a digital signature works. # 8220 ; The transmitter creates a message digest of the papers he or she wants to direct, and encrypts it utilizing the private key. The message, incorporating the papers and the # 8216 ; signature, # 8217 ; is so sent to the receiver. If the transmitter desires privateness, the message is encrypted. The receiver applies the transmitter # 8217 ; s public key to the digital signature. He or she does this to recover the message digest from the digital signature that the transmitter created prior to directing. Following, the receiver creates a new message digest from the message received and compares that to the 1 that was inside the digital signature. If the two are the same, so the message was genuinely sent by the transmitter and arrived unchanged, # 8221 ; harmonizing to ( Grant, 35 ) . # 8220 ; PKI involves the usage of two cryptanalytic keys, one private and one populace. Information encrypted with one key in the brace can merely be decrypted with the other key. Private keys are by and large stored on the user # 8217 ; s difficult thrust. The publically available key is embedded in a certification with personal inside informations about the user. The key is easy distributed through a Web browser. Therefore, PKI provides the indispensable services for pull offing certifications and encoding keys for the people, plans and systems that use public-key cryptanalysis, states Hammar. # 8221 ; Electronic agencies of communications are a serious challenge for the security and protection of minutess and dealingss conducted electronically. The new engineerings require a relevant legal footing both on national and international degree. The classical ordinances are based on the demand for a paper-based papers and hand-written signatures. An electronic signature is the electronic equivalent of a manual signature placed over a papers ; hence the legal model must be equal to hand-written signature Torahs. The electronic signature provides trust and security in e-commerce, in electronic informations interchange and in the unfastened web as a whole. It allows any receiver of an electronic information to specify the transmitter and to look into whether the information has been changed, or whether its unity has been violated. In contrast to the scanned hand-written signature, the electronic 1 is a piece of information in an electronic signifier, where electronic value is used for placing the writer and its consent with the informations. The electronic signature is based on a engineering for hallmark ( systems for encoding and decrypting. ) Over the past few old ages, alterations in jurisprudence and progresss in engineering have dramatically altered the landscape of electronic hallmark. Although usage of the engineering is non yet widespread, electronic hallmark holds the promise of a extremist displacement in the manner concern is conducted. Digital signatures and the operation of public key substructures ( # 8220 ; PKIs # 8221 ; ) promise drastically reduced dealing costs in virtually every sector of concern. Companies a nd consumers likewise welcome the twenty-four hours when the chink of a button can finish high-value minutess that antecedently required hours of deliberation and 100s of paperss. While the benefits of hallmark engineerings have long been evident, the method of accomplishing these commercial additions has been unquestionably less obvious. Legislatures and regulative bureaus around the universe have taken assorted and divergent attacks in their attempt to take advantage of these emerging engineerings. Much of this divergency stems from the simple fact that these engineerings have yet to to the full germinate. Electronic signatures presently claim merely limited credence in the market place ; therefore, policy-makers are left with the undertaking of foretelling how e-signatures will be used, instead than responding to how they are used. Differing policies reflect differing premises about the hereafter of these engineerings and how to act upon them. An electronic signature is an built-in portion of secure electronic minutess. In the physical universe today, there are demands for paperss to be in composing with hand-written signatures. Such demands need to be translated into the electronic kingdom. For communicating and minutess happening over a faceless web, there is a demand for dependable methods to authenticate a individual # 8217 ; s individuality and to guarantee the unity of the electronically familial paperss. Electronic Signatures provides unity, genuineness and non-repudiation of electronic minutess. This radical engineering is really of import, since it opens new frontiers in covering with informations or information transmittal, proof, entering and retrieval. Is expected that with the electronic dealing and electronic signature legislative assembly in topographic point, e-commerce will truly flourish. Decision An electronic signature, which incorporates cryptanalysis, encoding and decoding, is of import, to this concern, the authorities, and all of us as persons. Safe and procure communications between companies, every bit good as, between persons has evolved into a necessity. Persons have come to anticipate safe and unafraid transmittal of electronic mail messages, and entrust our payroll check to be deposited by our employer through EFT ( Electronic Funds Transfer ) . In add-on, as computing machines get quicker, there is a demand to guarantee the criterions are the best they can be. The universe is turning so fast and computing machine systems have been so speedy that both have taken their toll on the current criterions. Without a uncertainty, an e-signature plan can alleviate this company of its current quandary, by supplying it with a manner to execute concern online. The usage of e-signatures by other companies is turn outing that it does increase gross revenues, in add-on to cut down unneeded disbursement. It is clip to upgrade, regenerate and progress our systems for this turning tendency. As a consequence, action is needed toward execution of e-signatures within a short period of clip and should be started without delay. With your mandate, we can get down this procedure at one time. Plants Cited Grant, Gail L. , Understanding Digital Signatures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998 Hammar, Sven. # 8220 ; PKI enables digital signatures. # 8221 ; Network World Oct 30, 2000 Udell, Jon. # 8220 ; Digital Signature Laws. # 8221 ; Byte 22 Dec 2000. 5 March 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.Byte.com Plants Consorted Arar, Yardena. Now you can subscribe on the digital line. Personal computer World 18 vols. San Francisco: Dec 2000 Canter, Sheryl. # 8220 ; Electronic Signatures: Solutions tools A ; Tips for the Internet Age. # 8221 ; PC Magazine 2 Jan. 2001: 102-105 Marquess, Kate. # 8220 ; Sign on the Dot-Corn Line. # 8221 ; ABA Journal Oct 2000 Misra, Sunil. # 8220 ; Federal jurisprudence allows electronic signatures. # 8221 ; The American City A ; County Dec 2000 Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Doubleday, 1999 # 8220 ; Bill Pertaining to Digital Signatures and Authentication in the lO6~ Congress. # 8221 ; Tech Law Journal hypertext transfer protocol: //techlawjournal.com/cong106/digsig/Default.ttm ( 5 Apr. 2001 ) . Grant, Gail L. , Understanding Digital Signatures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998 Hammar, Sven. # 8220 ; PKI enables digital signatures. # 8221 ; Network World Oct 30, 2000 Udell, Jon. # 8220 ; Digital Signature Laws. # 8221 ; Byte 22 Dec 2000. 5 March 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.Byte.com Plants Consorted Arar, Yardena. Now you can subscribe on the digital line. Personal computer World 18 vols. San Francisco: Dec 2000 Canter, Sheryl. # 8220 ; Electronic Signatures: Solutions tools A ; Tips for the Internet Age. # 8221 ; PC Magazine 2 Jan. 2001: 102-105 Marquess, Kate. # 8220 ; Sign on the Dot-Corn Line. # 8221 ; ABA Journal Oct 2000 Misra, Sunil. # 8220 ; Federal jurisprudence allows electronic signatures. # 8221 ; The American City A ; County Dec 2000 Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Doubleday, 1999 # 8220 ; Bill Pertaining to Digital Signatures and Authentication in the lO6~ Congress. # 8221 ; Tech Law Journal hypertext transfer protocol: //techlawjournal.com/cong106/digsig/Default.ttm ( 5 Apr. 2001 ) . Plants Cited Grant, Gail L. , Understanding Digital Signatures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998 Hammar, Sven. # 8220 ; PKI enables digital signatures. # 8221 ; Network World Oct 30, 2000 Udell, Jon. # 8220 ; Digital Signature Laws. # 8221 ; Byte 22 Dec 2000. 5 March 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.Byte.com Plants Consorted Arar, Yardena. Now you can subscribe on the digital line. Personal computer World 18 vols. San Francisco: Dec 2000 Canter, Sheryl. # 8220 ; Electronic Signatures: Solutions tools A ; Tips for the Internet Age. # 8221 ; PC Magazine 2 Jan. 2001: 102-105 Marquess, Kate. # 8220 ; Sign on the Dot-Corn Line. # 8221 ; ABA Journal Oct 2000 Misra, Sunil. # 8220 ; Federal jurisprudence allows electronic signatures. # 8221 ; The American City A ; County Dec 2000 Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Doubleday, 1999 # 8220 ; Bill Pertaining to Digital Signatures and Authentication in the lO6~ Congress. # 8221 ; Tech Law Journal hypertext transfer protocol: //techlawjournal.com/cong106/digsig/Default.ttm ( 5 Apr. 2001 ) . Plants Cited Grant, Gail L. , Understanding Digital Signatures. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1998 Hammar, Sven. # 8220 ; PKI enables digital signatures. # 8221 ; Network World Oct 30, 2000 Udell, Jon. # 8220 ; Digital Signature Laws. # 8221 ; Byte 22 Dec 2000. 5 March 2001 hypertext transfer protocol: //www.Byte.com Plants Consorted Arar, Yardena. Now you can subscribe on the digital line. Personal computer World 18 vols. San Francisco: Dec 2000 Canter, Sheryl. # 8220 ; Electronic Signatures: Solutions tools A ; Tips for the Internet Age. # 8221 ; PC Magazine 2 Jan. 2001: 102-105 Marquess, Kate. # 8220 ; Sign on the Dot-Corn Line. # 8221 ; ABA Journal Oct 2000 Misra, Sunil. # 8220 ; Federal jurisprudence allows electronic signatures. # 8221 ; The American City A ; County Dec 2000 Singh, Simon. The Code Book: The Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography. New York: Doubleday, 1999 # 8220 ; Bill Pertaining to Digital Signatures and Authentication in the lO6~ Congress. # 8221 ; Tech Law Journal hypertext transfer protocol: //techlawjournal.com/cong106/digsig/Default.ttm ( 5 Apr. 2001 ) .
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