Friday, November 29, 2019
Leading Change at Simmons free essay sample
â€Å"Leading Change at Simmons†shows the importance of Organizational Behavior, having a culture that respects its employees and having a transformational leader who has a clear vision for the company. Problem Statement Simmons has lost three of its most important clients due to the economic depression post the 9/11 attacks. Its products are giving off unpleasant odor because of a low quality raw material supplied by one of its suppliers. Problems As one goes through the case, one realizes that there are a lot of problems that the company is facing, right from the lack of a clear vision to the extent of one manufacturing unit competing with the other. It clearly reflects the following sources of conflict 1. Incompatible goals 2. Diversity Analysis of Problems †¢Role Conflict and No Organizational Structure One of the major problems that the company was facing was that there was no clear organizational structure for the company and role conflict existed. We will write a custom essay sample on Leading Change at Simmons or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most of the associates were reporting to the General Managers, who were basically Sales Managers, and who, according to Eitel, didn’t have business acumen. All the manufacturing units were running as per the General Manager’s whims. This Control vs. Commitment (Exhibit 1) situation can be clearly seen when Bob Hellyer, President and Director of Simmons, tells Eitel about the manufacturing units at Janesville and Charlotte. Lack of Implementation of Vision and Values Simmons already had four core values in place; three more were added when Eitel joined the company as its CEO. It seems that no one was following the â€Å"Simmons Code of Ethics†or the â€Å"Simmons Values. †No one was maximizing the â€Å"opportunity†to think or share and listen to others; Short Term Goals: 1. Discard the mattresses that were made up of bad foam and sue the supplier. 2. Report and communicate with partners and employees Long Term: 1. Restructure 2. Bill Wagnar should be kept in the same role.
Monday, November 25, 2019
A Comparison of Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Essays
A Comparison of Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Essays A Comparison of Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Paper A Comparison of Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Paper In this assignment I will be comparing how Act 3 Scene 5, of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, is portrayed by Channel 4 Middle English schools version and Baz Luhrmanns film version. Both of the versions use Shakespeares language but they choose to leave out different sections of the original play. The main events of Act 3 Scene 5 are that Romeo leaves Juliets house, Juliet is told by her mother that she is to get married to Paris at St. Pauls on Thursday, but then Juliet argues with her mother. This causes a lot of tension between the family and she goes on to row with her father. The Channel 4 version is set out in a room that is dark and spacious, there are many wood furnishings and these look very expensive. Theres a very traditional feel to this Channel 4 version with candles showing the only source of light, this shows when the scene was set back in Elizabethan times when there was no electricity. Luhrmans version differs to the Channel 4 version in a big way because many things are the opposite, everything is all modernised, very light and spacious. The room is white and very luxurious with a large array of decoration, toys and dolls. The costume is in a traditional Elizabethan style in the Channel 4 version; Lady Capulets dress is dark and her hair is back showing he plain forehead, which is a sign of beauty back in that time. Juliets hair is long and curly and is put down loose, she is shown in a white dress, which makes Juliet look more innocent and pure like a young girl. Juliet acts a lot older in the channel 4 version. In Baz Luhrmans version she is also shown as wearing white but in a much more modern dressing gown. In Baz Luhrmans version, Lady Capulet has a rich dressing gown and is more modern than in the channel 4 version which shows Lady Capulet in a traditional Elizabethan costume. In both versions of the play they use Shakespeares language, in the Channel 4 version this is expected because of how the play is set out with it been more traditional and realistic look, but in Baz Luhrmans version it isnt expected because of the modernisation of the scene. So using language they use blank verse with ten stresses per line another word for this is iambic pentameter, this means no rhythm and imitates the rhythms of natural speech. In Channel 4s version the stage is set with heavy wood furniture with a very dark wood colour, all the persons in this play are rich Elizabethan noble people. In Baz Luhrmans version it is very different as everything is virtually modernised. All things are white and beautiful and the furniture stands out as if everything is all wonderful. There is much more movement in this play unlike the Channel 4 version where everything is all static. Lord Capulet is dressed like a true noble man, he has rich tapestry but it is modern. In both plays Juliet is shown in white but looks more modern in Baz Luhrmans version and also in Baz Luhrmans version she looks a lot younger. The movement is Channel 4 is very wooden and static, whereas it is much more fluent in Baz Luhrmans version, much livelier and believable. There is much more use of the camera in Baz Luhrmans, which does close ups on the characters faces and shows the anger or sadness in there face and makes you feel how they feel. In the play Juliet gets into a big argument with her father and this is shown in two different ways in the Channel 4 version the rage on her fathers face, because she says she wont marry Paris, isnt realistic and the actor doesnt look like hes putting much effort in to it. But in Baz Luhrmans version the anger from Lord Capulet and the fear in Juliets face is intense and makes this whole fiasco look like its going to blow over and maybe a fight may come, especially when Capulet says how his fingers itch and that he may smack his daughter. I prefer Baz Luhrmans version of the play, mainly because it has a much more thrilling touch to it than the Channel 4 version. Baz Luhrman has set out to make this play a much more of a box office record breaker and with his budget he could do this, by hiring actors that had already starred in big movies. Luhrmans version had a mixture of genres in it, parts had humour in when the nurse walks in to find Romeo in bed with Juliet which starts Romeo scampering around to search for his clothes, parts had drama when Juliets nurse says she isnt going to help. The Channel 4 version of this scene wasnt any good because they will have been on a lower budget and setting the scene and all the furniture would have to be cheap and not very effective.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Arguing for the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Essay
Arguing for the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage - Essay Example Marriage involves very essential individual and state wellbeing and has a revered standing, both due to what it stands for and due to the significant gains to which individuals acquiring that standing are permitted. The value of the institution of marriage for society has been viewed as the obligation of prudent policymakers, the obligation to institute the guidelines legitimizing marriage. Hence, it is not unexpected that the bid to legally recognize civil unions of same-sex marriage is and will persist to be the target of extensive and fierce public debate. Marriage means a lot of things for the human society. It is a major decision that is made by infatuated couples. In reality, a lot of people regard their partner preference the most vital decision they ever make. Civil union is a permissible access to a large number of benefits, responsibilities, and securities, which most cannot be duplicated in any other means. Ultimately, marriage is the language where in ‘averageâ€⠄¢ individuals talk of life stages, self-sacrifice, commitment, family, and love. It is the language of equality, fairness, and love. Diane J. Savino, in the New York State Senate, argued that (from1:45 to 2:00 in the video) that marriage should be granted to sane homosexual couples who want to legally tie their bonds. Marriage is all about respect, love, and understanding. Therefore, same-sex marriage should be legally recognized.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Choose a Print Advertisement of your choice and write a three-part Essay
Choose a Print Advertisement of your choice and write a three-part analysis of its message and how it attempts to persuade - Essay Example (Ten Arguments in favor of Baygon, n.d) Now, the branding and advertising department of Baygon needed to push the envelope in creating an ad that would exaggerate its effectiveness and strength with a new age, hip and comic way to appeal to the customers. At the same time, there had to be an element the product could relate to. They couldn’t show Baygon taking out a dinosaur or a crocodile, the product is made for insects and such a concept would be wrong and disturbing at the same time. It could cause negative effects. Since the world is moving towards a more superhero trend with movie remakes and the new found craze, Spiderman is one of the most popular of all time movies with an enormous fan base (Spider-Man Official Site, n.d). Now an ad needed to be created that would not be offensive and would be funny and persuasive. Baygon decided to make Spiderman its victim, a superhero that was a result of a mutant super spider bite and had amplified super spider like abilities that even the toughest villains couldn’t combat against. It may seem that Baygon would favor the bad guys but the ad creates a funny feel. The advertisement image they decided upon was Spiderman knocked out, lying unconscious and displaying a Baygon spray can at the lower right corner. Pretty simple but the message is hilarious, appealing and strong. As mentioned earlier, customers buying insecticide sprays needed to be persuaded with the spray’s effectiveness. The ad does that in a superb and comic way. The advertisement is bound to make anyone laugh out at first sight. No doubt it is unrealistic but the approach is very effective. Of course the customer knows the spray could never take out Spiderman, and that Spiderman doesn’t really exist, but that’s a different story. The idea of an insecticide sends an important message the same way Popeye the sailor did with spinach. Eating a single can would
Monday, November 18, 2019
Human resource development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Human resource development - Essay Example This process of changing employees’ behavior match with the concepts of cognitive theory. Ii Experiential learning is the process whereby knowledge is transferred through the transformation of experience (Reid, Barrington & Brown, 2007). This directly relate to the development of human resource development programs which trains employees to learn from the past to improve their present and future. Iii Situated learning theory explains that learning is a process of learning that emphasizes on the socio-cultural setting and the activities of the people within the setting (Smith & Sadler, 2006). This theory directly relate to the human resource development programs as they always seek to strengthen the individual employees; in their endeavors’ to pursue and expand their skills and experience in specific careers they may have opted to pursue. Experiential learning is a process, not necessarily in terms of outcomes but in terms of experience. It states that learning requires the resolution of conflicts between dialectically conflicting modes of adaptation to the real world (Reid, Barrington & Brown, 2007). It explains that learning by its precise nature is full of tension. The theory describes learning as the transaction that takes place between the person and the environment. Through this theory; the process of knowledge creation comes as a result of the transaction between social knowledge and personal knowledge. According to cognitive theory, individuals decide to lay their effort in the task that they believe they can perform and produce best expected result (Buckley & Capler, 2009). It argues that the decision about which activities an individual decides to engage in is based on the combinations of different factors like expectation, valence and instrumentality. This theory has a significant impact on the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impacts and Causes of Quality Implementation Failures
Impacts and Causes of Quality Implementation Failures INTRODUCTION: Due to, the increased competitiveness and arduous customers who desire to have high quality products at lowest prices; quality is acknowledged as a source of competitive advantage and have a higher strategic importance, is essential for success. (Spector and Beer 1994; Eskildson 1994) studies have shown that in organizations there are a lot of quality implementation failures, causes for theses failures are due to environmental uncertainty, Firm orientation, and Total quality management (TQM) was not properly addressed. (Puffer and McCarthy 1996) Â Â UNCERTAINTY: It means lack of assurance, about something and facts in decision making (Duncan 1972; Lawrence and Lorsch 1967). ENVIRONMENTAL UNCERTAINTY: It is a state, when conditions are constantly changing within a business environment (jauch and kraft 1986). Environmental uncertainty takes place by complete customer knowledge and for more worth in products and services. It has promoted the business scene, accordingly, feat of any organization now rely more on its ability for delivering quality products and services to customers. So, Business organizations are now confronted with a triangle of problems that they must sort out for building sustainability and success. This is by practicing uncertainty, strategy, and quality. UNCERTAINTY DIMENSIONS: Environmental uncertainty rises or falls as environments differ along five simple dimensions: Homogeneity-heterogeneity: It is the number and range of areas having impact on the organization. Concentration- dispersion: it is interconnection between components of the environment Stability-turbulence: The rate and scale of change in the environment Resource Scarcity- Resource Munificence: richness and accessibility of resources Hostility-Supportiveness: it is the degree of competition and level of getting of the organization The challenge of current companies is to endure and grow while growing in a complex and harsh international market. Change has to be eternal, for example, as the attainment of new abilities. Change can thus only be observed as the important attitude of an organization. By evaluating this environment offers vision of the unique changes, the effects of these changes have on a firms strategies, and the making of special methods required understanding them. CHANGE MANAGEMENT Organizational change management (OCM): It is an organization structural process, used for safeguarding that changes are easily and effectively implemented, and that the lifelong benefits of change can be accomplished. CHANGE MANAGEMENT MODELS: KOTTERS EIGHTS STEPS TO CHANGE This model copes for knowing and handling change. Every stage admits an important principle linking to peoples reaction and approach to change, where people understand, sense and then make change. The model is intended on research which demonstrates that there are eight critical steps an organization or team demands to use in order to make sure that change occurs and sticks properly. (Kotter, 1996) BRIDGE TRANSITION MODEL: With the support of Bridge transition model, we can have awareness about the feelings of our workers and operate conditions according to the way that hold the changes committedly. It is a three phase procedure, where people slowly adopted the facts of new circumstances and the change that derived with it. ROGERS TECHNOLOGY ADOPTION CURVE: It defines the acceptance or adoption of a new innovation or product, along with the psychological and demographic features of acceptor groups. It is exemplified as bell curve. The model shows that first group of people that use a new product is innovators, and subsequent is early adopters. Next group is early and late majority and the last group that finally accept a product are called laggards. The curve makes the base of 5 step procedure of technology adoption; Knowledge, Persuasion, Decision, Implementation. KUBLER- ROSS FIVE STAGE MODEL This Model was developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in 1960s. It is use to describe the grieving procedures. She suggests a sequence of feelings practiced by fatally ill patients before death, in which the five stages are anger, bargaining, depression denial, and acceptance. The Change Curve was a firm feature in change management circles By the 1980s. The curve, and its related emotions, can be accustomed to predict that how performance is probably affected by the declaration and following implementation of a vital change. PROSCI ADKAR model This Model offers a modest and action-focused five-step procedure. It is used by managers, directors and even workers to recognize and eliminate fences for making positive change. Individuals make changes effectively when they contain the essential Awareness, Knowledge, Desire, Ability and Reinforcement. PARTICIPATORY METHODS: It contains a sequence of actions with a common line. It allows common people to play a dynamic and significant role in making choices which affect their lives (Participatory Methodology Facilitation Guide, 2000). This method is used by publics, researchers, and donors. Its outcome is involvements of local realities, and it direct towards a well-supported and permanent social change. EXTENT OF UNCERTAINTY: It is the degree of rise in environmental vitality and intricacy (Johnson and Scholes 1999). Therefore, in complex environmental situations there are, larger level of uncertainty in the environment . Low uncertainty: An environmental change affecting the uncertainty is low. For example, variations in customer tastes are low, perhaps because of there are less factors that influence on demand. Moderate uncertainty: It links between low complexity and high dynamism. High uncertainty: The environment is extremely dynamic a d intricate and the links among the modules of the environment and the organization are uncertain. This makes selections more problematic. For instance, the broadcastings business is facing some uncertainties about technology, government rules, demand etc. All these uncertainties link in changeable techniques and use to predict the environment and improve reasonable choices. Strategy and Environmental Uncertainty They are closely related to environmental uncertainty. The degree of uncertainty perhaps is objective and assessable or subjective and apparent. The significant matter is that in such environments how organizations behave. (Zahra, 1987) determines that businesses that follow diverse type of strategic aspects will be inclined to observe their environment in a different way. (Hambrick, 1983), (Miller, 1986), (Snow and Hrebiniak, 1980) usually determined that these strategy types acts inversely under different environmental situations. STRATEGIES TO DEAL WITH UNCERTAINTY IN ORGANIZATIONS: There are number of strategies that are used by organizations to encounter uncertainties of the business environment. (Miles and Snow, 1978) strategy is a strong description of the strategic behavior of organizations. It redirects a wide number of strategies and complete view to strategy conceptualization (Venkatraman, 1989). Four Basic Strategy types: The organizations can implement one of four approaches when retorting to uncertainty in their environment: (Miles and Snow, 1978) Prospector: (Miles and Snow, 1978) organizations adopted or follows this strategy is highly advanced and continually seeking out new markets and new prospects and they are oriented towards growth and risk taking. Firms can use3M strategies. And Johnson Johnson Company relate decentralization with a prospector strategy. Defender: It focuses on accommodating its present markets, keeping steady growth, and serving its present customers. For example, BIC Company used defender strategies; it has implemented a less violent, less business style of management and has taken to protect its considerable market share in the industry. Analyzer: An organization that assumed this strategy has market share and seeks to be groundbreaking. For example, IBM uses analyzer strategies. Thousands of their clients have bought IBM computers over the last some decades. It is in IBMs attention to keep these clients content and to lead new products and services that modernize their computer amenities. Another example contains Proctor Gamble (PG) has proven numerous name brand products, for instance Tide laundry and Crest toothpaste, it is significant for PG to stand to invest in its effective products, so as to keep financial performance Reactor: (Miles and Snow, 1978) an organization that monitors a reactor strategy has no reliable strategic approach; it floats with environmental proceedings, reacting to but failing to anticipate or influence those events. According to (Miles and Snow, 1978) organizations adopt a methodical and distinguishable outline of behavior toward environmental adaptation. An organizations strategy tackles three types of complications, Entrepreneurial: This relates that how an organization faces itself to the market. Engineering: It refers to the technical system of the organization. Administrative: It refers that how an organization tries to organize and implement its strategies, specifically, control, structure, and procedure issues. TECHNIQUES FOR MANAGING CHANGE EFFECTIVELY For Successfully Managing the change needs a shifting of the firm from its present condition to the state according to its future needs at negligible cost to the organization. (Wallington, 2000) Key steps are as follows: Firstly, familiarity with the present state is very necessary. This includes finding problems that company faces, assigning a degree of status to each person, and evaluating the kinds of changes required to resolve the problems. It involves imaging the Future state of the organization. This includes considering the perfect state for the company after the implementation of change, assigning this vision perceptibly to everyone involved in the change endeavor, and designing a waysof change to the new state. Stability is an important part of the transition for instance the companys mission and workers should help constantly in the uncertainty in order to aid and reduce peoples unease. All change should include employees at certain level. Organizational change needs to be clarified and linked, especially changes that affect how employees do their jobs. It involves the Implementing of change in well-ordered manner. This contains managing the transition successfully. It is supportive to assemble a plan, assign resources, and employ an important person to take responsibility of the change procedure. For this, The Companys leaders must do effort to create interest for the change by partaking their aims and vision and acting as role models. (Murray and Greenes, 2006) When a change process is done, it is always worthy to follow-up after implementation and measure how the change are employed and whether the implemented change deliver the intended results. Conclusion The current day organizations main challenge is to endure and even grow while developing in a complex and cruel international market. Change must be eternal, just as the gaining of new capabilities. Management plays very important role in bringing and implementing change in an organization proper functioning. While dealing with uncertain environment in business organization, there is also of responsibility come to on their shoulders. Managers challenge contains originating the change central for the company, so that assemble the human energy toward building and action, so as to correspond the structures with the accessible human potential. Thus, Personnel will be the performers of an evaluative procedure instead of the sufferers of a revolution. Change can hence only be observed as the important approach of an organization. It should ensue as a natural and liberal behavior that is applied by personnel themselves. The Change Management also play vital role in organizations uncertain c ircumstance it familiarizes and monitors organizations through complex and problematic changes. CMG is a global management referring secure staff by Manufacturing and Structural MBAs and Psychologists REFRENCES: Wallington, Patricia M. Making Change. CIO. 1 April 2000 PDF: Participatory Methodology Facilitation Guide. WaterAid. 2002. Kotter J, (1996), Leading Change, Boston:Harvard Business School Press Wallington, Patricia M. Making Change. CIO. 1 April 2000. Wischenvsky, J. Daniel and Fariborz Damanpour. Organizational Transformation and Performance: An examination of three perspectives. Journal of Managerial Issues. Spring 2006. Murray, Art and Kent Greenes. The Enterprise of the Future. KMWorld. March 2006. Spector, B., and M. Beer. 1994. Beyond TQM program. Journal of Organizational Change Management 7, no. 2: 63-70. Puffer, S. M., and McCarthy. 1996. A framework for leadership in TQM context. Journal of Quality Management 1, no. 1: 109-130. Duncan, R. B. 1972. Characteristics of organizational environments and perceived environmental uncertainty. Administrative Sciences 17: 313-327. Jauch, L., and K. Kraft. 1986. Strategic management of uncertainty. Academy of Management Review 11: 777-790. Zahra, S. 1987. Corporate strategic types, environmental perceptions, managerial philosophies, and goals: An empirical study. Akron Business and Economic Review (Summer) 18, no. 2: 63-74. Snow, C. C., and L. G. Hrebiniak. 1980. Strategy, distinctive competence, and organizational performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 25: 317-335. Hambrick, D. C. 1983. Some tests of the effectiveness and functional attributes of miles and snow strategic types. Academy of Management Journal 26, no. 1: 5-26.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee :: To Kill a Mockingbird Essays
It all started when a girl named Jean Louise Finch, (Scout) was telling the story about her brother and how he broke his arm at the elbow. She went back two years to where they had tried to â€Å"Make Boo come out.†Boo Radley, also known as Arthur Radley. Back before Jem and Scout were even born Arthur Radley and his family moved to Maycomb. There was Arthur, his older brother Nathan, and Mr. and Mrs. Radley. There was a story about the Radleys, saying that when their family moved into town, they were welcomed but chose to stick to themselves. They were considered foot-washing Baptists. They thought that if you took pleasure in anything that you would go straight to hell. When Arthur was a boy he started to hang out with a bad group of kids. They went out one night, and resisted arrest, and were locked up in the county jail. Mr. Arthur bargained with Judge, saying he would pay a fine if they released Arthur, and he would be no more trouble to them. It was said that Arthur wa s never seen again. Rumors went around like Arthur stabbed his mother with a scissors, and that he had gone crazy. Miss Stephanie Crawford, the town gossip, even said that Boo looked in her window at night. Nobody dared to go near the Radley property, children were afraid of being killed. Meanwhile, Jem and Scout were minding their business one summer afternoon when they met Charles Baker Harris, (Dill). Dill was staying with Miss Rachel, who lived next door to The Finch’s, for the summer. Dill, Jem, and Scout became quite good friends, and played many games. Their favorite was to reenact plays like Dracula, and Tarzan. They also talked about Boo, and the more Dill knew about Boo, the more interested he was. Soon Dill had the idea of getting Mr. Radley to come out of his house. At first Dill dared Jem to go inside the house and get Boo out, but after three days of pestering him, he changed it to Jem had to touch the house. Jem agreed and ran as fast as he could to slap the ho use and get back to safety. It was soon time for school to start and Dill went home. Scout went to her first day of school, in the first grade, and hated it. Her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, and Scout did not get along from the start.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Joy Cowley
Authors Study Joy Cowley was a phenomenal author, she has written multiple children books, adult fiction and non- fiction, besides her major impacts in literature she comes from a very interesting back round. Joy Cowley was born on August, 7, 1936, in Levin New Zealand. She was the eldest of four girls and one boy. Her parents Peter Summers and Cassie Gredge were both physically ill while joy was growing up, the condition of both their health caused the family to be finically poor.When joy attainted elementary school in her early years she struggled with her academics, she was a poor reader and writer. Since English was her second language it made learning a very difficult experience in her early years. At the age of eleven when she could still barley read, but was able to understand books threw pictures, she became book addicted and also a writing addiction eventually occurred. As time went on, after she finished school her parents sent her to the local pharmacy to work. Joy opposed this idea but she wanted to please her parents.If the choice was up to joy she would have continued into a career of art or journalism, but she wanted to make her parents happy at the time. Joy Started writing a lot while she worked in the pharmacy . At the age of 20, Joy married farmer Ted Cowley. They moved to a dairy farm. They decided to children, they had four children in a 5 year time span. The children’s names were Sharon, Edward, Judith and James. While the kids were growing up joy milked cows, changed diapers, made puppets and play dough and wrote short stories in the evenings.She eventually wrote stories for her son Edward who was a slow reader, the stories eventually made their way to other kids. When joy realized she was an extrodaniry writer she introduced novels to her children’s teachers. They enjoyed them so much; they actually made them into big books they read to their classes. The teachers asked her if she could please work on getting published. Whe n she eventually started focusing on children’s book, she was also writing adult novels. In 1978 Joy stopped writing adult novels; she took a five year brake.She started working with June Melser who was a teacher/ editor. During this time her influncely work started to occur she designed the Story Box Reading Programmer which was published by Shortland Publications, Auckland, NZ and then The Wright Group, USA. She became deeply involved in early reading and the five years of commitment became twenty years focusing on early childhood books. In 1999, after a 22 year brake from adult novels, she wrote again. This novel included many adult experiences that had occurred. The novel included her marriage to Ted Cowley that ended in 1967.She decided to get married to Malcolm Mason after her divorce in 1970, a Wellington writer/ accountant, who died in 1985. Her third marriage in 1989 was to Terry Coles. For years, Terry and joy lived in the Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand's South I sland, with an assortment of animals – sheep, chickens, ducks, 8 cats and a dog – and visits from 13 grandkids. In 2004 they moved to Wellington so that Terry could be nearer medical services suited us for a while but Terry’s heath deteriorated further, strokes leaving him with diminished sight, hearing and mobility.Wellington’s stairs and traffic became too much of a challenge for them and they had to move out of the city. They decided to leave wellington and move to a cottage in the township of Featherstone, here joy has a shed with a lathe and woodturning tools. Joy still currently alive is still a full time writer today she is focused on adult writing – articles, spiritual reflection material, stories and novels – and books for children. Over the years joy has won multiple awards for her work.She is a brilliant writer who comes from a very progressive back round who has a major impact on many readers around the world. Commemoration Medal for services to New Zealand| 1990| OBE (Order of the British Empire) for services to children's literature| 1992| Margaret Mahy Lecture Award| 1993| NZ Women's Suffrage Centennial Medal| 1993| Hon. D. Litt Massey University| 1993| Award Best TV Drama Script| 1994| Patron NZ Children's Book Foundation| 1994|Roberta Long medal for multicultural writing (USA)| 2002| A. W. Reed Award for Contribution to New Zealand Literature| 2004| Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit (DCMNZ)| 2005| Prime Minister's Award for Fiction| 2010| University of Alabama, Birmingham, Maryann Manning Award for Outstanding Literacy Scholar| 2011| Joy Cowley said â€Å"that learning to read must be a pleasurable and meaningful exercise. If it isn't, then we teach children to read and to hate reading at the same time†.We infer that joy is a very passionate writer for young children, who wants all children to enjoy reading . Three of her books written by her, Mrs. Wishy-Washy, Mrs. Wishy -Washy Christmas, and Mrs. Wishy-Washy Farm relate to her back round of living on different farms. All three books have Ducks, Cows, and Pigs; they talk about taking care of each and every farm animal. A very interesting task we can do with young students is we can foreshadow the three books to joy personal autobiography.We can ask young readers who are exposed to these books, different questions about the similarities of joys book and her own personal life. Questions we can ask young readers and graph * Why do you think joy wrote about farm animals in all 3 books? * Do you think joy enjoyed the different animals? * Does Mrs. wishy washy remained joy of herself? * How can we compare The three books to Joy Cowley * After reading all three books what animals do you think were joy favorite ? This question will give to the oppurtinetey to draw which animals they think were joy favorite
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Huck Essays - English-language Films, Picaresque Novels, Free Essays
Huck Essays - English-language Films, Picaresque Novels, Free Essays Huck You Dont Know Me In Chapter 1 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck spoke for Mark Twain when he made the statement, You dont know about me...but that aint no matter. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was not a sequel to his other adventure stories but a literary statement questioning how civilized our American society really was. Twain was not a racist but a realist. The perception of racism in the novel should be attributed to the historical setting and the effect it had on its characters. The story took place in the South before the Civil War. The Souths economic structure depended on keeping the Negro in servitude. Many white Americans accepted slavery and believed the Negroes were inferior which resulted in racist attitudes and behaviors. Twain used the character development of Jim and Huck to demonstrate how these attitudes could change once Huck was able to see past the cultural stereotype of Jim being a Negro and recognize he was a person who was both noble and decent and deserved to be free like any other man whether he was black or white. Twains early development of the character Jim has been controversial because of the apparent racism. In the early chapters, Jim was portrayed as a typical slave stereotype: superstitious, ignorant, and naive. On two separate occasions Huck delighted in exploiting Jims superstitious beliefs to play a joke on him. In Chapter 10, Huck put a dead snake in Jims blanket after Jim had warned him that, it was the worse luck in the world to touch a snakeskin. Then Huck realized Jim wasnt really the fool he thought him to be when the dead rattlesnakes mate returned and bit Jim. Huck felt bad. Huck played his last trick on Jim after they passed Cairo and got separated by the currents. At first, Huck thought it was funny to pretend that they had never been separated, but he was humbled by Jims reactions which showed both dignity and his strong sense of value. Hucks viewpoint of Jim was changing, but his former upbringing was evident when he openly admitted, It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to and humble myself to a nigger. It was statements like this that have made many dispute Twains intentions. Did he have to use the word nigger over two hundred times? Throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain used dialect and the word nigger. The use of the word was not purely racist, since it was not used in a derogatory manner but as a term meaning black person. The real racism was in the way the characters viewed niggers. After the steamboat explosion in Chapter 32 Aunt Sally said, Good gracious! anybody hurt? Then Huck casually replied, Nom. Killed a nigger. Relieved Aunt Sally said, Well its lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt. Twain was being ironic and wanted his reader to see the real truth behind the Southern perception of humanity. Neither considered the death of a Negro worth noting. As the novel progressed, Huck had to wrestle with the former values instilled in him by this culture. During Huck and Jims adventures down the river, Huck learned the real difference between hypocrisy and prejudice and friendship and values. The senseless killing between the Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons made him question civilized ways that perpetuated a feud where basically good people foolishly follow old customs rather than changing tradition. Huck was further angered that a whole town could be duped by the king and duke. The town symbolized society. Even though some of the townspeople disagreed with the king when he inhumanly separated and sold the Wilks familys slaves, no one interfered. Although many could interpret this incident as racist, Twain used this incident to show how Hucks viewpoint and values had changed. Huck realized that Jim and other niggers were not just someone elses property but human beings and should be treated accordingly. Twain was not a racist. Throughout the book, he did not make one derogatory remark about the black people but instead characterized some of the members of the civilized society which had enslaved them to be religious zealots and hypocrites, fools and liars, robbers and murderers, and rogues and scoundrels. Twain had satirized the pre-civil war American society and its institutions to make his reader question their present actions. If the reading public had taken a closer look at The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, they would have realized it directly opposed the
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
6 Bad Excuses for Committing Plagiarism
6 Bad Excuses for Committing Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious offense that can cause permanent damage to a student’s academic career. Few students realize the seriousness of this crime – and crime is exactly what plagiarism amounts to. It is an act of theft. Because many students fail to understand the potential consequences of committing plagiarism, they don’t necessarily take the time to understand what types of behavior constitute plagiarism. This gets too many students into trouble – and that trouble can be anything from embarrassment to heartbreak. In college, plagiarism is taken very seriously. Many colleges will expel students on the very first event. While students are given the opportunity to have their case or situation reviewed by a panel or a student court, they should understand that excuses just do not work. The most common excuse that school officials hear appears as number one on the list: 1. I didn’t know it was wrong. Your first job as a student is to know what behavior is considered plagiarism. You should stay far away from these common types of plagiarism: Submitting the work of another. If you ever turn in a paper that was written by someone else, especially if you pay money for it, then you are guilty of plagiarism and you are risking your future. It is plagiarism to claim the work of another or even the ideas of another. While most students in middle and high school don’t have to worry about stealing ideas when it comes to a paper or a science project, students in college do run the risk of plagiarism charges when they write a paper based on another person’s thesis. Submitting a paper you’ve written for another class. Yes, you can get into trouble if you use your own original work for two different assignments. There is a difference between submitting the same paper twice and building upon your own research and adding to an old paper. Check with your instructor or advisor if you have any questions or doubts about this. Copying too much text and using it as a block quote. Let’s face it. Sometimes stude nts try to pull the wool over their instructors’ eyes. Instructors are not dummies, and they see this one all the time. They don’t fall for it. There is a limit to the amount of text you should put into a block quote. Rewording a source or several sources. Sometimes student will submit a research paper with correct citations, but the paper is really a reworded version of one source or several sources pieced together. The paper you write should contain your own original ideas, theories, and conclusions.  You must draw conclusions from the evidence you find in other work. While â€Å"I didn’t know it was wrong†is the most common excuse, there are others that instructors hear often. Be warned that excuses don’t get you off the hook! 2. I didn’t mean to. Everyone knows that it is tedious work, putting in all those precise citations. One common problem that instructors see is the omission of a citation. If you use a quote from a source and you don’t indicate that it’s a quote and cite your source, you have committed a theft! Be very careful to proofread and make sure you’ve indicated every quote with quotation marks and cited the source. 3. I didn’t know how to do the assignment. Sometimes students receive unique assignments that are so different from previous tasks that they just don’t know how the completed task should look. It’s perfectly fine to look up examples when you are expected to do something new like write an annotated bibliography or create a poster presentation. But sometimes, students who procrastinate can wait too long to look up these examples, and they realize that they have waited too long to complete the work. When that happens, they may be tempted to borrow from those examples. The solution? Don’t procrastinate! That also leads to trouble. 4. I was just helping a friend. You know perfectly well that you’re guilty of plagiarism if you use work that wasn’t written by you. But did you realize that you are also guilty if you write a piece for another student to use? You are both guilty! It’s still plagiarism, on both sides of this coin. 5. It was my first time. Really? That might have worked when you were five, but it won’t work on instructors when it comes to stealing. Many students are expelled after the first time committing plagiarism. 6. I was in a rush. Politicians and journalists who have quick deadlines for speeches and reports have tried this one, and it is unfortunate that such high-profile personalities have to be such awful role models. Again, this excuse for stealing the work of another is not going to get you anywhere. You are not likely to gain sympathy because you didn’t give yourself enough time to finish an assignment! Learn to use a color-coded calendar to you have plenty of warning time when an assignment is due.
Monday, November 4, 2019
English Torts Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
English Torts Law - Essay Example The defendant is required under English Torts Law on negligence to compensate the claimant by payment of damages or fine or by heeding an injunction as duly determined by the court. This should effectively deter people from being careless in the conduct of their duties. In a way this intends to enforce a standard of behaviour, to protect the life, welfare, and interest of unwilling victims of another person’s act of negligence. This principle on negligence is not new. In Bible times, the Divine Law dictates that a man could be deemed guilty by his negligence: â€Å"In case you build a new house, you must also make a parapet for your roof that you may not place bloodguilt upon your house because someone falling might fall from it.†–Deuteronomy 22:8, The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. Negligence Defined "Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided upon those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of hum an affairs, would do, or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do. The defendants might have been liable for negligence, if, unintentionally, they omitted to do that which a reasonable person would have done, or did that which a person taking reasonable precautions would not have done." (Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works English Torts Law on Negligence The Torts Law particularly on negligence has its own precedence from the Divine Law itself. Negligence is one of those torts in which damage must be proved. Once a breach of duty has been established, the claimant must therefore also show that the breach has resulted in injury or damage (the causation issue) and that the injury or damage is sufficiently closely connected to the breach (the remoteness issue). The Tort of Negligence developed in 1932 beginning with the case of Donoghue v Stevenson which established the Duty of Care owed by manufacturers to end consumers. The following elements must be established to warrant the claim of negligence: 1. There must be a Duty of Care between the claimant and the defendant. 2. A clear breach in the Duty of Care is established. 3. Such breach resulted to some damage to the claimant. 4. There is no applicable defence to the defendant. Duty of Care In the first negligence case (Donoghue v Stevenson), Lord Atkin spoke of the backbone of the duty of care known as the neighbour principle by saying that defendant must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which can be reasonably foreseen would possibly injure a neighbour, one who would closely or directly be affected by any acts or omissions. Lord Atkins stated that: â€Å"You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law is my neighbour? The answer seems to be - persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected w hen I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question†. The case of Caparo Industries plc v Dickman in 1990 gave rise to the Caparo three-way test, which is the modern day test for determining duty of care: 1. It is reasonably foreseeable that the claimant may be harmed by the defendant’s failure to observe reasonable care. 2. The relationship of the claimant and the defendant indicates a sufficient relationship of proximity or remoteness. 3. It is fair, just and reasonable to impose on the defendant a duty of care towards the claimant. In 1934 Lord Wright said: â€Å"In strict legal analysis, negligence means more than heedless or careless conduct, whether in omission or commission:
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Does the ultra vires doctrine provide the best justification for Essay
Does the ultra vires doctrine provide the best justification for judicial review in the British constitution - Essay Example Accordingly, the preservation of separation of powers is essential as a check on autocratic power. As such, the doctrine of ultra vires is theoretically vital in serving as a testament to the independence of the judiciary in its role under the fundamental constitutional separation of powers in ensuring that public bodies, such as government departments, local authorities, tribunals, agencies have not acted ultra vires5. Moreover, the ultra vires doctrine is cited as the first principle of natural justice and the rule of law that public bodies are required to act within the scope of the powers allocated to them by Parliament6. The incorporation of the European Convention of the Human Rights (implemented through the Human Rights Act 1998) further requires judicial review to ensure that public authorities do not â€Å"act in a way which is incompatible with a convention right7†. Indeed, Doctor Yardley asserts that judicial review is â€Å"the ultimate safeguard for the ordinary citizen against unlawful action by †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.the more powerful administration8†. Alternatively it has been argued that the ultra vires doctrine is inherently limited by enabling a process by which courts scrutinise and consider the validity of the manner in which public authorities have made a decision9. The essence of judicial review is to ensure that public authorities act appropriately in exercising their duty10 regardless of the merits of the decision, which in itself begs the question as to the efficacy of the judiciary’s role under the separation of powers to truly act as a curb on the legitimacy of abuses of power by the executive11. This is further compounded by the fact that the judiciary has evolved and expanded the parameters of the ultra vires doctrine on an ad hoc basis in order to circumvent the inherent limitations of judicial review12.
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